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Reel Number: 250015-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942,1945,1940s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 06:27:05
TC Ends: 06:36:17
Duration: 00:09:12
Pan across faces of immigrants in painting; workers. 06:27:18 Montage: costume staged settlers building; craftsmen working, blacksmiths, miners, vineyards, farmers, coal miners, Blacks picking cotton, cowboys, oil field workers, fishermen, jewellers, laborers, railroad construction; loggers, railroads, sheep, cotton, textile mill, early aviation, plowing , harvesting grain. Industry. Quarry explosions, dam building, spillway, electrical transmission lines, city lights, streamliners, ironworkers, riveting, skyscraper construction, aerial over Manhattan. 06:29:54 Trucking shot thru military cemetery w/ superimposed hand & torch. 06:30:13 Montage: POV past crowd on city street, agriculture & white collar workers, technology & technological inventions, 1930s television. 06:30:54 Dairy farmer & milking barn w/ cat. Drafting room, cars past apartments, on parkway, parking lot, hospitals & kids / children. Schools. 06:32:04 WW1 soldiers; WWII troops w/ education percentage overlaid. 06:32:12 Vacations on beach, duck hunting, fishing. Sports & events. Recreation montage. 06:33:15 Montage: train schedules,k railroad, cars, motorcycle cop stopping car; motels; carhop; hotdog & beer signs. CU sandwich making, cooking, coffee, coca cola, pie, toast, eggs,. 06:34:15 Montage: civic club signs entering town, memberships, radios & broadcasting networks, CU carrying portable radio, jukebox. CU feet moving to rhythm at soda fountain. Dance band & crowd; square dance, orchestras in performance. MCU Black trumpet player; marching band. 06:35:21 Montage: Newspaper printing press, newspapers on rack, library of books, magazines, comics. 06:35:40 Montage: churches, CU signs. Voting booths. Ext of stores / markets. Congress w/ prohibition overlaid, CU making bathtub liquor, booze, alcohol; Congress w/ prohibition repealed. Stock exchange, ticker tape printer falling onto floor & breaking. Historical reconstruction; 1800s; 1900s; Americana; American History; Myth; Propaganda; WW2; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.
1921 - Industrialization: Industrial Working Conditions
1962 - Mine Disaster, 37 Trapped By Explosion
1980 - Color, Governor Reagan: Excerpts, A Strategy For Peace In The 80s Speech. 19Oct80
Total Reels
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Pan across faces of immigrants in painting; workers. 06:27:18 Montage: costume staged settlers building; craftsmen working, blacksmiths, miners, vineyards, farmers, coal miners, Blacks picking cotton, cowboys, oil field workers, fishermen, jewellers, laborers, railroad construction; loggers, railroads, sheep, cotton, textile mill, early aviation, plowing , harvesting grain. Industry. Quarry explosions, dam building, spillway, electrical transmission lines, city lights, streamliners, ironworkers, riveting, skyscraper construction, aerial over Manhattan. 06:29:54 Trucking shot thru military cemetery w/ superimposed hand & torch. 06:30:13 Montage: POV past crowd on city street, agriculture & white collar workers, technology & technological inventions, 1930s television. 06:30:54 Dairy farmer & milking barn w/ cat. Drafting room, cars past apartments, on parkway, parking lot, hospitals & kids / children. Schools. 06:32:04 WW1 soldiers; WWII troops w/ education percentage overlaid. 06:32:12 Vacations on beach, duck hunting, fishing. Sports & events. Recreation montage. 06:33:15 Montage: train schedules,k railroad, cars, motorcycle cop stopping car; motels; carhop; hotdog & beer signs. CU sandwich making, cooking, coffee, coca cola, pie, toast, eggs,. 06:34:15 Montage: civic club signs entering town, memberships, radios & broadcasting networks, CU carrying portable radio, jukebox. CU feet moving to rhythm at soda fountain. Dance band & crowd; square dance, orchestras in performance. MCU Black trumpet player; marching band. 06:35:21 Montage: Newspaper printing press, newspapers on rack, library of books, magazines, comics. 06:35:40 Montage: churches, CU signs. Voting booths. Ext of stores / markets. Congress w/ prohibition overlaid, CU making bathtub liquor, booze, alcohol; Congress w/ prohibition repealed. Stock exchange, ticker tape printer falling onto floor & breaking. Historical reconstruction; 1800s; 1900s; Americana; American History; Myth; Propaganda; WW2; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.