1927 - Natural Resources: Ore Carrier, Trip on Benson Ford Freighter, Unloading & Loading
POV of shore line from water of shore, small docks & summer homes. View from shore of shallow water over rocks; islands & LS of ore carriers. MCU of ore carrier James Watt passing; ore carrier John A Roebling men on decks; excursion boat passing w/ people at rail & heavy smoke out of stack.
14:07:25 LS of ships entering/leaving locks.
14:07:56 LS large cantilevered crane unloading ore; pans of stockpiles of ore.
14:08:27 Railroad ore cars along top of ore chutes. MCU ore buckets dumping ore unloaded from ship.
14:09:01 Pan over ore piles & ore carrier Benson Ford w/ captain looking down.
14:09:24 Railroad ore cars on top of large ore chutes. HA pan over piles, water, ship w/ Ford on stack, & railroad.
14:10:08 Ship away from dock; view of docks from shipboard. Swing bridges open for carriers & shipo underway under high bridge w/ cable car across.
14:11:26 Views from water of hillside, small rocks w/ lights.
14:11:40 Man at wheel of Benson Ford ore carrier & officer looking out. CU pulling handle for speed.
14:12:40 Views on shipboard; officer w/ navigation sextant. LS of shore, buoy, loading dock into lake w/ men on top & arms; CU ship pulling alongside. Arms dropping to load ore carrier. ore out & down chute, two men w/ poles keeping it moving & falling into hold. View of dock to ship, railroad cars on top
Industry; Ford Motor Company Raw Material;
1927 - Natural Resources: Ore Carrier, Trip on Benson Ford Freighter, Unloading & Loading POV of shore line from water of shore, small docks & summer homes. View from shore of shallow water over rocks; islands & LS of ore carriers. MCU of ore carrier James Watt passing; ore carrier John A Roebling men on decks; excursion boat passing w/ people at rail & heavy smoke out of stack. 14:07:25 LS of ships entering/leaving locks. 14:07:56 LS large cantilevered crane unloading ore; pans of stockpiles of ore. 14:08:27 Railroad ore cars along top of ore chutes. MCU ore buckets dumping ore unloaded from ship. 14:09:01 Pan over ore piles & ore carrier Benson Ford w/ captain looking down. 14:09:24 Railroad ore cars on top of large ore chutes. HA pan over piles, water, ship w/ Ford on stack, & railroad. 14:10:08 Ship away from dock; view of docks from shipboard. Swing bridges open for carriers & shipo underway under high bridge w/ cable car across. 14:11:26 Views from water of hillside, small rocks w/ lights. 14:11:40 Man at wheel of Benson Ford ore carrier & officer looking out. CU pulling handle for speed. 14:12:40 Views on shipboard; officer w/ navigation sextant. LS of shore, buoy, loading dock into lake w/ men on top & arms; CU ship pulling alongside. Arms dropping to load ore carrier. ore out & down chute, two men w/ poles keeping it moving & falling into hold. View of dock to ship, railroad cars on top Industry; Ford Motor Company Raw Material;