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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221679-20
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1956
Country: USA,USSR
Location: Dearborn,Michigan
TC Begins: 16:51:19
TC Ends: 16:57:50
Duration: 00:06:31
1956 - USSR Officials Tour Ford Motor Company Russian touring car arriving at Ford Rotunda. Motorcade arriving at dock w/ ore carrier docked behind, drive along building. Group out of cars. 16:52:18 Russians listening to Ford (?) executive & walking thru & visiting exhibits of cars & tractors. Walk down ramp. 16:53:25 Russian holding fly swatter listening; man taking notes. 16:53:49 Touring factory w/ workers watching from background. Conveyor w/ furnaces seen. Russians wearing protective glasses. 16:54:44 Men outside building talking, walking. 16:55:00 Int. w/ sign: Welcome tot he Dearborn Assembly Plant. Men watching assembly line workers; motor lowered into chassis. Body lowered onto chassis frame. 16:56:10 Mercury (?) driven off assembly line. Russians watching in MCU. 16:56:42 Glowing billet seen by group from above on catwalk. Rolling mill of steel viewed. 16:57:12 Men in cafeteria line getting trays of food. Sitting at table in workers cafeteria. Economics; Diplomacy; Cold War;