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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221000-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1962
Country: USA
Location: Hawaii,Pearl Harbor
TC Begins: 14:39:52
TC Ends: 14:50:18
Duration: 00:10:26
1962 - Hawaii, USS Arizona Memorial Dedication Entrance to Memorial w/ inscription "USS ARIZONA MEMORIAL". MS Admiral Perry and staff entering Memorial from boat landing. Guests, mostly women, disembark at landing to Memorial. CU Adm. Riggs and party entering Memorial followed by guests. MS Adm. Benson and Adm. Metzger arriving at boat landing and entering Memorial with guests. CU military VIPs and civilian VIPs arriving off boat. 14:41:33 Six A4D planes in tight formation fly overhead. 14:41:42 MS Rear Adm. C.A. Buchanan (Com 14) giving introduction to dedication for Memorial. MS Unid. civilian VIP speaking from podium; ships in BG. MLS Officers, VIPs and guests seated. 14:42:08 MS Chaplain giving benediction. MS Sailor and Marine carrying a large wreath. Wreath thrown over side of Memorial and floats on surface of water. MS Group of Marines on platform over Memorial, firing a military salute; USS Buchanan (DDG-14) in FG in full dress. MS Navy band on platform. USS Buchanan at anchor; Marine Honour Guard on platform. 14:43:04 Adm. Felt speaking with guest aboard Memorial. Good shot looking up toward the US flag at half mast. LA CU Officer on bridge of USS Buchanan viewing ceremony through binoculars. 14:43:29 Good LS Memorial w/ colours at half mast. 14:43:50 LS guests on beach at Ford Island, looking toward Memorial. LS 14th Naval District band on one of the keys to left of Memorial; crowd on beach in FG. 14:44:08 Looking over bow of USS Buchanan; ship’s company manning rail during services. MS Memorial during dedication; wreaths dropped from Memorial to water by Navy and Marine personnel. MS Guests leaving their chairs after service. Wreaths in water. 14:48:04 MS USS Buchanan at anchor in full dress; crew at quarters. Adm. Harry Felt arriving in barge to Memorial. Six A4D’s in tight formation on flyover. VS memorial whilst dedication ceremony in progress. Flag at half mast. LS guests stand for silence. 14:49:50 MS US Marine corps Honour Guard on platform next to Memorial, firing rifle volleys. 14:50:06 Bugler blowing taps out of shot while rest of naval band stands at attention. Pearl Harbor;