Dealers In Death Pt. 6 of 6 Missing main title
Headlines: Nazis Kill Dollfuss. King Alexander & Barthou assassinated. Men handed rifles. Tanks over test course. Small amphibious landing boats demonstrated. Tanks laying smoke screens. Price superimposed. Loading torpedoes on submarines. Planes taking off from aircraft carriers. Large field w/ massed airplanes & bombers taxiing, taking off.
22:03:53 Chemist in lab; technicians making poisonous gas & military testing. Gas masks on technicians. Troops walking thru gas. Civilians loading mortars, firing.
22:05:07 Scientist at microscope & view of germs. Germ fountain pen; ticker-tape parade in NYC; parade elsewhere of military. Antenna & very large crowd; man putting up recruiter posters. Patriotic posters.
22:06:38 Kids in one room classroom in US; Italy & amphibious plane monument; College students in USA list to speakers. Other soap box speakers. Teletype machines. Linotype operators; newspaper presses & loading newspapers on trucks. Selling.
22:07:26 Liner out of harbor, submarine & torpedo fired. Sinking ships. Headline: War Declared. New York skyline, planes overhead. Looking down on NYC city Hall.
22:08:19 Bombers dropping bombs, explosions, balloons on fire fall burning. Planes bombing miniature targets intercut w/ real bombing. Burning neighborhoods; burning oil. Railroad bombed. Biplanes in flight; maneuvers of anti-aircraft. Battle footage & intercut of all sorts of guns, vehicles firing. Night firing flares. Signaling from ships, sailors racing to posts. Battleships firing. Ship dropping anti-submarine mines. POV from biplane taking off from carrier. Dropping bomb over water. Ford Tri-motor takes off. Gas dropped; people in gas masks into subways. Gas dropped; people in China treating victims in streets. POV past cemetery; quick shots of stock market. Rolling text at end. Christ on cross. Death signing balance sheet. The End.
Pre-WWII; Pre-WW2 Arms Race; Capitalism; Arms Dealers; Armament; Wars - Fighting; Bombing; Peace Conferences;
Anti-War Film; Economics; Inventions; Big Business; Patriotism; Grim Reaper;
NOTE: Sold one continuous minute at per reel rate.
Dealers In Death Pt. 6 of 6 Missing main title Headlines: Nazis Kill Dollfuss. King Alexander & Barthou assassinated. Men handed rifles. Tanks over test course. Small amphibious landing boats demonstrated. Tanks laying smoke screens. Price superimposed. Loading torpedoes on submarines. Planes taking off from aircraft carriers. Large field w/ massed airplanes & bombers taxiing, taking off. 22:03:53 Chemist in lab; technicians making poisonous gas & military testing. Gas masks on technicians. Troops walking thru gas. Civilians loading mortars, firing. 22:05:07 Scientist at microscope & view of germs. Germ fountain pen; ticker-tape parade in NYC; parade elsewhere of military. Antenna & very large crowd; man putting up recruiter posters. Patriotic posters. 22:06:38 Kids in one room classroom in US; Italy & amphibious plane monument; College students in USA list to speakers. Other soap box speakers. Teletype machines. Linotype operators; newspaper presses & loading newspapers on trucks. Selling. 22:07:26 Liner out of harbor, submarine & torpedo fired. Sinking ships. Headline: War Declared. New York skyline, planes overhead. Looking down on NYC city Hall. 22:08:19 Bombers dropping bombs, explosions, balloons on fire fall burning. Planes bombing miniature targets intercut w/ real bombing. Burning neighborhoods; burning oil. Railroad bombed. Biplanes in flight; maneuvers of anti-aircraft. Battle footage & intercut of all sorts of guns, vehicles firing. Night firing flares. Signaling from ships, sailors racing to posts. Battleships firing. Ship dropping anti-submarine mines. POV from biplane taking off from carrier. Dropping bomb over water. Ford Tri-motor takes off. Gas dropped; people in gas masks into subways. Gas dropped; people in China treating victims in streets. POV past cemetery; quick shots of stock market. Rolling text at end. Christ on cross. Death signing balance sheet. The End. Pre-WWII; Pre-WW2 Arms Race; Capitalism; Arms Dealers; Armament; Wars - Fighting; Bombing; Peace Conferences; Anti-War Film; Economics; Inventions; Big Business; Patriotism; Grim Reaper; NOTE: Sold one continuous minute at per reel rate.