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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220691-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1914-1918
Country: Germany USA Ireland Austria
Location: Lemberg New York
TC Begins: 03:41:47
TC Ends: 03:55:25
Duration: 00:13:38
WWI - 1914 (?) German U-Boats; Lusitania Sinking; & troops fighting Russians Pt 1 of 2 Flash title: The world soon realizes the effectiveness of this “unseen” force. Of British ships alone, 5622 are sunk after the real campaign starts in 1915. 03:41:48 3-masted under full sail low in water, sinking. 03:42:06 German U-boat / submarine on surface underway w/ smoke from exhaust stack; large single-stack ship low in water, sinking. 03:42:59 Flash title: With her ports of food entry blockaded by Allied warships, unrestrained U-boat warfare is Germany’s answer to starvation. 03:42:59 U-Boat underway. Interior, Captain using periscope - Allied ships seen through periscope, U-boat submerges; Allied battleship firing big guns. Slug. Torpedo seen just under surface (reversed?). Battleship, destroyers (brief). 03:44:08 Flash title: Now the Lusitania Episode which is destined to bring United States into the world struggle. Lusitania 4-stack liner leaving dock. 03:44:19 Flash title: Against public warnings of its certain fate the great ship leaves New York Harbor on May 1st, 1915. Crowds waving, name Lusitania seen on side of ship, tug alongside. 03:45:02 Flash title: Seven days later this happy departure scene-- Deck games on board 03:45:14 Flash title: Is instantly transformed. Re-creation, panic as Lusitania is hit; passengers, life-boats. 03:45:31 Flash title: No photographic record of the actual sinking exists but the following scenes show the wreckage on the Irish Coast... 03:45:34 Heavy seas against breakwater; wreckage & lifeboats on Ireland shore. MCU survivors or passengers posing. 03:46:21 View up Lemberg, German street lined w/ crowd throwing flowers as motorcade of open cars passes. Religious priest speaks to army officer. 03:47:03 Flash title: Still strong in number, but weak in morale, the Tsar’s army crumbles in the first roar of the Russian Revolution. Crowds on streets, military parading. Pan of soldiers of Tsar sitting, under guard. 03:47:42 Flash title: War weary, they gladly lay down their arms. Tsar’s army lay down rifles. Russian troops walk / march thru town. 03:48:41 Flash title: The black dots near the top of the hill are the Germans. LS troops across snow. 03:48:59 Flash title: The defenders are outnumbered more than twenty to one. Troops advance in large groups, body (s) seen on snow. 03:49:23 Flash title: Many fall in the final assault. Running up snowy hill, wounded & dead falling. 03:50:59 Flash title: Snow is Nature’s shroud for scores of brave men. Wounded German troops in snow helped by medics on skis; carried off on stretchers. MS treat wounded on skiis in snow. 03:52:29 Flash title: ...early months of the war...U-boats are manufactured like Ford cars. U-boats at dock; underway on surface. Animated map of land battle. 03:53:24 Flash title: ...350,000 Russian prisoners are taken. Marched under guard. 03:54:15 Flash title: Von Hindenburg’s great victory opens the way for the Austrians to recapture Lemberg. 03:54:16 Open cars w/ VIPs thru streets; flowers thrown in celebration. (see 12:56:25 also). Continued... WW1; Eastern Front; Weather; Winter Battles; Russian Revolution; Medics; NOTE: Both parts combined sold at per reel rate if requested; or save duplication costs by ordering section(s) needed