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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250089-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1951
Country: Korea,South Korea,USA
Location: Chunchon aka Chuncheon,Hill 86,munsan,Ni
TC Begins: 08:16:10
TC Ends: 08:22:19
Duration: 00:06:09
Korea War - 1951, Tanks: 187 RCT; 6th Medium Tank BN; 70th Tank BN. 21-24Mar51 Slate: 24Mar51. Camera: Fox. 187 RCT Munsan-Ni. LS, early morning airdrop w/ paratroops descending w/ vehicles & tents on field in fg. 2nd Lt J W Cox, M/Sgt O D Valent, SFC A D Green, Sgt Levadunk, Sgt Henry J Galuska, Pfc Nick Davis, raise flag on base of Hill 86. 08:16:48 MS, of map w/ axe cutting into center to symbolize "Operation Tomahawk". Crates w/ parachutes d land around tent encampment. 08:17:04 MS Soldier shaking hands w/ Negro Sgt, a vehicle in bg, posed. 08:17:12 Slate: same. Two men, 6th Med Tank Bn, reparing rear bogies of M-46 tank. 155mm self-propelled HOW backing up. Other activity w/ veicles seen. 08:18:12 Slate: same. M-46 column on road, little girl walks by. LAS, M-46 & tracked personnel carrier past. M-46 gun swung to camera. 08:18:48 MLS, AVLB, tracked vehicle, beside road, men work nearby; men resting near AVLB. 08:19:03 Soldier sitting in turret. CU, another soldier wearing helmet. 08:19:17 Slate: 23Mar51 Same. CU, North Korean unwraps badly wounded hand caused by a grenade. Capt Calvin C Patterson, 187th Medical Co, gives man first aid. CU, man's face turned to camera. 08:20:14 Slate: 21Mar51 same. Shots from atop tank towards Chunchon w/ heavy napalm cloud rising. View ahead of column of tanks, 70th Tank Bn attached to the 1st Cav. Div. Jet makes pass overhead. Tanks move slowly thru wrecked street in Chunchon. 08:21:15 Slate: same. View down road of tanks thru wreckage. Maj Gen Charles D Palmer, CG, 1st Cav Div, walking down ruined street of captured town. Pose in front of wrecked buildings. 08:21:41 Tanks ford river 7 mi S of 38th Parallel. 187th Regiment Combat Team; Fighing; Horrors of War Fighting; Battles;