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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1719-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1966
Country: USA
Location: Ames Research Center,California,Moffett Field
TC Begins: 11:04:53
TC Ends: 11:18:13
Duration: 00:13:20
Pt. 1 of 2 Man boarding American Airlines plane, Ford tri-motor American Airlines plane takes off past camera. Curtiss T-32 Condor, large biplane, boarded. Interior w/ stewardess in narrow aisle of packed plane. DC-6 in flight.; DC-8 jet in flight. 11:05:48 Titles. 11:06:02 Large hanger w/ sign above door: NASA Ames Research Center, tilt down to John Fitch, reporter, introducing film about supersonic transport & development. 11:06:23 Int of B-29 nose; exterior dropping X-1. Four F111 fighter jets in flight. B-58, X-15 shown briefly. Montage of commercial airlines passenger planes on tarmac, taxiing. Four engine jet taking off, much pollution & noise over houses in flight path 11;07:45 Nose of supersonic Concord, interior w/ engineers walking thru; & planes under assembly on factory floor. Illustration of USSR TU-144. 11:08:35 Aluminum heating till melting. Montage of alloys & melted metals. Wind tunnel testing w/ shock waves observing w/ optical methods. Other models & engines tested. Ames wind tunnel testing. 11:10:38 Mark Kelly interviewed about new supersonic planes & necessary specifications. Describes w/ 1/5 size model w/ variable swept back wing. 11:15:30 Lockheed model w/ twin delta wings shown & explained. Design selection process described. Commercial Aviation History; Cold War; 1966; SST;