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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1296-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1943
Country: Japan,Solomon Islands,USA
Location: Guadalcanal,Pacific,SOLOMON ISLANDS
TC Begins: 11:18:51
TC Ends: 11:29:48
Duration: 00:10:57
WWII - 1943, Guadalcanal Activities Recovering US Aircraft; USO Entertainment ca 25Feb43 Slate. no info. Men in jungle clearing watching man speaking / singing (MOS) in front of army band, pan large audience of soldiers sitting on ground or standing, watching. MCU man at microphone singing; band members playing. Soldiers applauding. MCU trumpet player & others playing. Comic / comedian exaggerating while leading band. 11:21:06 Guitar player, Johnny Marvin , at microphone; Joe E. Brown smiling / laughing walks up to microphone; talking, men applauding. Imitates Hitler w/ hair over eye; pretends to pitch baseball. 11:23:04 MCU Joe E. Brown w/ men applauding behind him. More of comic baseball pitcher routine; pans of audience. 11:24:42 Slate: Cameraman: Lt. Ramsey. 11:24:46 Tilt up trench w/ pipe in it to mechanical trench digger operating in jungle. 11:25:03 Airstrip w/ planes & trucks parked against jungle on edge. Pan over men besides fallen trees. 11:25:42 Soldiers applauding arriving officer or entertainer beside road & car; he talks to GIs, one steps forward & shakes his hand. 11:25:16 Roadside sign: Hells Point Ammo Dump (w/ arrow) & East Ammo Dump. Crates under palm trees, fighter plane takes off in background. Pan to camouflaged bombs laying on ground under trees. Large bombs laying about, jeep w/ four men down muddy road past. 11:27:04 Slate: Unit - Capt. Fordham. 11:27:07 Airstrip w/ heavily damaged plane & men working on motors & fuselage. Fitting motor back into plane. 11:28:10 Truck w/ crane hoist backed up to fighter plane & tail lifted; men remove propellor in rain. Plane hoisted onto trailer & pulled by bulldozer from mud WW2 Battle of Guadalcanal; Hollywood USO Entertainment; NOTE: Americans reclaiming equipment after retaking airfield. Joe E. Brown performance ca 25Feb43 per diary on internet.