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1910 - 1920 - WWI Era, Personalities: Tsar; British Royalty; Carnegie; Rockefeller; Wilson; Hughes
Tsar Nicholas II & wife w/ children in various situations, includes Alexei carried by his attendant, the sailor Derevenko. Daughters w/ parents at formal events.
05:03:10 British Royalty George V, Queen Mary & Prince of Wales in ceremony.
05:03:35 Andrew Carnegie & ?? shake hands at formal event.
05:03:46 John D Rockefeller reading newspaper; on golf course.
05:04:01 Slug.
05:04:03 Woodrow Wilson seated taking papers from group of men. Photographers w/ large box cameras.
05:04:23 Charles Evans Hughes posing for camera next to car; lifts hat & enters building.
05:04:33 President Woodrow Wilson at desk signing paper.
05:04:41 German troops w/ Pickelhaube spiked helmets march down road - VERY brief. Pan troops wearing soft hats kneeling behind artillery guns in field. Teams of horses pulling field guns in field.
05:05:54 Horses pulling artillery along country road; horse collapses as troops advance down country road, soldiers run to unhitch, pan to others moving into field.
05:06:37 Slug.
05:06:47 President Wilson (probably post 02Oct19 stroke) assisted by wife onto porch leaning on cane or ??, (looks paralyzed), waves top hat.
05:07:02 In carriage w/ wife; wipes nose, waves hat (looks ill).
05:07:20 Parade - Wilson standing in open top car waving. (campaigning?). MCU in carriage.
05:07:45 CU Wilson in doorway (see 05:06:47) leaning on cane.
05:08:01 Wilson in top hat standing, reading speech. (Unid. location) Campaigning.
05:08:09 Slug.
05:08:19 Wilson talking w/ group, largely silhouetted, standing on high point in forested mountains - tourists in background. Wilson standing in car, mountains in background, sits back down.
05:09:09 MLS Wilson’s car, crowds w/ small children waving flags & cheering on sidewalk. Summertime.
05;09:21 Motorcade through western town, wide street.
05:09:46 Wilson boards rear of campaign train, joins wife holding flowers - Black porter or servant. CU Wilson speaking.
WW1; Wealthy; Industrialists; Supreme Court Judge; Presidential Campaigning; 1910s; 1920s; 1919; Illness; Presidential Incapacity;
NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate.
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at:
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1910 - 1920 - WWI Era, Personalities: Tsar; British Royalty; Carnegie; Rockefeller; Wilson; Hughes Tsar Nicholas II & wife w/ children in various situations, includes Alexei carried by his attendant, the sailor Derevenko. Daughters w/ parents at formal events. 05:03:10 British Royalty George V, Queen Mary & Prince of Wales in ceremony. 05:03:35 Andrew Carnegie & ?? shake hands at formal event. 05:03:46 John D Rockefeller reading newspaper; on golf course. 05:04:01 Slug. 05:04:03 Woodrow Wilson seated taking papers from group of men. Photographers w/ large box cameras. 05:04:23 Charles Evans Hughes posing for camera next to car; lifts hat & enters building. 05:04:33 President Woodrow Wilson at desk signing paper. 05:04:41 German troops w/ Pickelhaube spiked helmets march down road - VERY brief. Pan troops wearing soft hats kneeling behind artillery guns in field. Teams of horses pulling field guns in field. 05:05:54 Horses pulling artillery along country road; horse collapses as troops advance down country road, soldiers run to unhitch, pan to others moving into field. 05:06:37 Slug. 05:06:47 President Wilson (probably post 02Oct19 stroke) assisted by wife onto porch leaning on cane or ??, (looks paralyzed), waves top hat. 05:07:02 In carriage w/ wife; wipes nose, waves hat (looks ill). 05:07:20 Parade - Wilson standing in open top car waving. (campaigning?). MCU in carriage. 05:07:45 CU Wilson in doorway (see 05:06:47) leaning on cane. 05:08:01 Wilson in top hat standing, reading speech. (Unid. location) Campaigning. 05:08:09 Slug. 05:08:19 Wilson talking w/ group, largely silhouetted, standing on high point in forested mountains - tourists in background. Wilson standing in car, mountains in background, sits back down. 05:09:09 MLS Wilson’s car, crowds w/ small children waving flags & cheering on sidewalk. Summertime. 05;09:21 Motorcade through western town, wide street. 05:09:46 Wilson boards rear of campaign train, joins wife holding flowers - Black porter or servant. CU Wilson speaking. WW1; Wealthy; Industrialists; Supreme Court Judge; Presidential Campaigning; 1910s; 1920s; 1919; Illness; Presidential Incapacity; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: