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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221541-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1932
Country: USA
Location: New Jersey,newark,Raymond,Washington
TC Begins: 03:02:02
TC Ends: 03:06:17
Duration: 00:04:15
1932 - Depression, USA, Prohibition; Bank Failure; Back To Work Montage Stories. ca Oct32 03:02:02 TITLE: Federals Destroy Record Seizure Of... 03:02:13 Int. warehouse w/ kegs, men moving & rolling out, dumping; smashing w/ axes. GOOD. Prohibition; 1932; 1930s; Liquor; Alcohol; Bootlegging; Depression 03:02:43 TITLE: “Oyster Money” Routs City’s Cash Shortage After Bank’s Failure 03:02:57 LS large granite bank building from across intersection. CU sign: First Willapa Harbor National Bank, Capital & Surplus $120,000.00 03:03:07 Man at printing press. CU counting bills “Raymond Oyster Money”. MS woman at counter counting money. CU shot of bill. 03:03:32 Ext. People into store. 03:03:40 Int. Two women at counter & people signing for oyster money. 03:03:50 Ext. People leaving. 03:03:56 Int. Couple buying kitchen goods. 03:04:01 TITLE: The Tide Turns - Industry continues upward trend as renewed activity stimulates nation’s business. 03:04:16 Ext. MS men walking out of building & away from camera. Women & men walking toward & past camera in sunshine. 03:04:24 Int. Large garment factory w/ women working at benches. Woman at large sewing machine; men cutting stack of cloth. Women at line of sewing machines. 03:04:42 Ext. Men walking towards factory entrance. Gate sign: Notice to Employees ...due to increased orders this plant will operate at full capacity...Seminole Paper Corp Division of International Paper Co. 03:05:03 Int. Warehouse w/ large rolls of paper & workers moving them; men at machines; workers & cardboard boxes. 03:05:22 Ext. Women in aprons & caps into factory, at assembly lines, sort w/ almond nuts. 03:05:52 MS Women boxing candy or nuts? 03:05:59 Ext. Workers into Cudahy plant. 03:06:06 Woman at assembly line w/ cans, boxing Dutch Cleanser. Factories; Depression; Back To Work Propaganda; 1930s; 1932; Laborers;