1956 - Colour, USA Communications: Television, Promotional Film Pt. 1 of 2
01:01:16 Montage: Pyramid & sphinx, acropolis, Rome Colosseum / Coliseum, medieval church, NYC skyscrapers from air.
01:01:35 Montage: Television aerials on apartment house roofs. Woman on hillside; CU eyes; looking. Panning horizon. Looking w/ binoculars. Observatory w/ telescope. Yosemite National Park.
01:02:41 Tilt up Rockefeller Center skyscraper. Interior: Dr Vladimir Zvorkin & David Sarnoff of RCA, MCU & CU at desk talking (MOS).
01:03:03 Animated diagram on how TV works, cross-section television camera & beam scanned on tube, transmitting as radio impulses & receiving via antenna into home to kinescope tube in TV set & painted on screen.
01:04:59 Ext. Empire State Building antenna; interior of early transmitter W2XBS run by NBC & RCA. Street scenes in 1937 w/ mobile vans / trucks. Men setting up & engineers at controls. Camera on tripod & assistant w/ binoculars; 1939 New York World's Fair flags & grounds. Trylon & Perisphere on TV monitor, cameraman, FDR officially opening World of Tomorrow; King & Queen of England shown.
01:06:38 Montage: first Baseball game televised Aug39; first national political party conventions televised in 1940 of Democrats & Republicans. Stage set televised.
01:07:20 Montage: WWII headlines; TV in war w/ research scientists working on war projects: radar, sonar, sniperscope.
01:07:47 Montage: End of war headlines; TV picture tube manufacturing w/ heat treating glass.
01:08:24 NBC Studios & control booth / room shooting music show.
01:08:44 Truman sworn in 1949 & animated chart of 16 city network extending to coast to coast.
01:09:14 Manufacturing & shipping sets. Transmission towers / antennas.
1950s Home Entertainment; Industrial History; Communications; Broadcast Media;
1956 - Colour, USA Communications: Television, Promotional Film Pt. 1 of 2 Titles. 01:01:16 Montage: Pyramid & sphinx, acropolis, Rome Colosseum / Coliseum, medieval church, NYC skyscrapers from air. 01:01:35 Montage: Television aerials on apartment house roofs. Woman on hillside; CU eyes; looking. Panning horizon. Looking w/ binoculars. Observatory w/ telescope. Yosemite National Park. 01:02:41 Tilt up Rockefeller Center skyscraper. Interior: Dr Vladimir Zvorkin & David Sarnoff of RCA, MCU & CU at desk talking (MOS). 01:03:03 Animated diagram on how TV works, cross-section television camera & beam scanned on tube, transmitting as radio impulses & receiving via antenna into home to kinescope tube in TV set & painted on screen. 01:04:59 Ext. Empire State Building antenna; interior of early transmitter W2XBS run by NBC & RCA. Street scenes in 1937 w/ mobile vans / trucks. Men setting up & engineers at controls. Camera on tripod & assistant w/ binoculars; 1939 New York World's Fair flags & grounds. Trylon & Perisphere on TV monitor, cameraman, FDR officially opening World of Tomorrow; King & Queen of England shown. 01:06:38 Montage: first Baseball game televised Aug39; first national political party conventions televised in 1940 of Democrats & Republicans. Stage set televised. 01:07:20 Montage: WWII headlines; TV in war w/ research scientists working on war projects: radar, sonar, sniperscope. 01:07:47 Montage: End of war headlines; TV picture tube manufacturing w/ heat treating glass. 01:08:24 NBC Studios & control booth / room shooting music show. 01:08:44 Truman sworn in 1949 & animated chart of 16 city network extending to coast to coast. 01:09:14 Manufacturing & shipping sets. Transmission towers / antennas. 1950s Home Entertainment; Industrial History; Communications; Broadcast Media;