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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221253-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1960s
Country: England,Sweden,United Kingdom,USA UNITED KINGDOM
Location: Chicago,London
TC Begins: 18:24:50
TC Ends: 18:35:04
Duration: 00:10:14
England Shipping; Swedish Psychiatric Hospital; University of Chicago, 1960s Pt. 1 of 2 Oceanic terminal. Cars & taxis unloading passengers & baggage. POV car out of underpass & alongside park. 18:25:23 Tug & barge on Thames River towards bridge. Tilt up to Hungerford Bridge & Royal Festival Hall. 18:25:38 Freighters docked beside cranes on Thames. Large freighter & dock w/ barge pulling in. Other dock shots & small boats on river. Hazy & smoky. Evening w/ lighted clouds and dark ship & tugs passing & moving on river. 18:27:00 Daytime, warehouse beside docks & barges. United States Lines container. MCU of ships previously seen. 18:27:30 Unid. orange building w/ volkswagen & other cars parked in front. Two women walk past. Large buildings. Orange building. Large brick buildings around parking. Hospital-like. CU door w/ sign: Psykiat Iska Kliniken. Bust of Gadelius (Swedish). May be in Lund. 18:29:10 MCU Sign: Douane Suisse. Border guard checking cars & papers. Citroen 2CV past w/ young guys. 18:30:05 Men & woman at conference speakers table talking into mics (MOS). CU of college students. listening. CU sign: University of Chicago. Original stone buildings & street. Large building. CU sign: William Rainey Harper Memorial Library University of Chicago, 1116 East 59th Street. View of street from archway. 18:32:00 Sign outside house Frank Lloyd Wright’s Robie House built in 1909 & sign beneath Adlai Stevenson Institute of International Affairs. 18:32:06 Ext. U. of Chicago (?) of gothic-like stone building & windows; three men out, two w/ suitcases, one wearing cape & smoking pipe. England or USA? 18:32:23 Chelsea, London (?), England The World’s End, sign over bar or pub; next door The Salvation Army sign on small building front, pedestrians past. Large advertising billboards of store w/ Sunlight sign. Traffic past & pan across to two previous buildings. 18:33:46 U. of Chicago & interior of conference w/ young people w/ name tags in auditorium or library hall. Ext. of carved stone head of woman on Ida Noyce Hall building at 1212 (East 59th St.). Exterior shots in sunlight w/ cars parked in front. Industry; Shipping; Psychiatry; Customs; Border Crossing; 1960s; College; Street Scenes;