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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221505-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1918
Country: USA
Location: California
TC Begins: 05:13:46
TC Ends: 05:29:20
Duration: 00:15:34
Modern Oil Refining Beaker marked crude oil poured into three other beakers showing products: lubricating oil & wax 42%, coke 5%. Illustration of strata w/ oil, gas, water & derricks & method of extraction. 05:17:20 Derricks & men drilling in LS. MS & men working on upper derrick . Drilling platforms over water. 05:18:25 Derricks in California near houses. Crowded field of derricks. CU men sharpening bit over forge & anvil. Putting bit into hole on platform; man at control of winch & pipe lowered down hole after adding section. Men looking at liquid coming up in mud & testing for oil. 05:20:44 Placing nitroglycerin charge. Gusher w/ water & oil blowing up. Men installing Christmas tree of valves. 05:21:38 Constructing steel tanks for storage near wells. Pipes across road cut & laying pipeline for oil; men carry pipes, dig trenches by hand. Teams of horses & mules pulling wagons in storage area. 05:23:15 Title: Tank cars... many on sidings & at refinery. Tanker ships from Mexico & men on deck. Storage tanks at refinery. Refining buildings; diagram showing heating & condensing distillates & percentages. Steam & pipes above buildings. 05:26:18 Black men shoveling coke from furnaces; wheeling off chunks. Men sampling gasoline & removing impurities. Shipping gasoline from dock in tanker & pipelines to dock. Cars on dock. 05:28:14 Large city street w/ cars. Man in laboratory w/ petroleum by products: kerosene, wax. The End. Americana; Automobiles; Oil Industry; Petroleum Industry; 1910s;