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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220673-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1918
Country: Germany
TC Begins: 04:26:00
TC Ends: 04:43:20
Duration: 00:17:20
Munitionsanfertigung, 1918 aka German Munitions Reel 1 of 2 Film has German intertitles. Main Title: Herstelllung der mittleren Minen Boy in munitions factory moving 70 kg ingot; placed under 500 ton drop-hammer to form casing. Moved on chain w/ tongs into ?? Fitted over rod and put into large form to extrude. Rolled out and moved w/ wheeled device. Into furnace, then removed w/ tongs on overhead conveyor to forming hammer where formed. 04:30:05 Two women moving casings on wagon; other women unloading onto table as men measure and mark them. 04:30:41 Drilling opening in point of shell; woman moving shell casing onto lathe & turning. Cutting fluid or oil applied to turning casing. Machine cutting tops of multiple shells as they turn. Men marking shells w/ hammer and ??. Man and women gauging casings; measuring & inspecting interiors. 04:35:0? Drop hammer; men pouring lead (?) around base. Women at machine tightening ? Men at lathe. 04:37:0? Cutter applied to shell. Woman operates hand pump to check for leaks. 04:38:40 Finished casings off conveyor, woman moving to table & filing; men fitting w/ detonators (?). Overhead shot of marking shells, logging them; pushing through cylinder; hammering stamp onto shell & inking stencil AEG to casing. Shells down slide to area w/ women and men standing around. WWI Homefront German Armament production; Factory; Munitions Industry; Danger; Women Working;