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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221291-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1954
Country: USA
TC Begins: 04:02:41
TC Ends: 04:17:22
Duration: 00:14:41
Planning Your Career Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc. CU man turning handle on book cover of Mary Had A Little Lamb. POV looking up at grinning parents. “Look at him smiling at the music, he’s going to be a musician.” Grandmother looking down at baby in play pen. Man on sidewalk looking down to camera: “What are you going to be when you grow up?” Train past; tracking past policeman who waves; past trucker. 04:03:59 High school boys (?) & girl sipping sodas at fountain table w/ others & talk about what classes they are going to take & what they’ll do for jobs. “Gee I wish I knew where I was headed.” MCUs. 04:05:15 Three leave drugstore, say goodbye on sidewalk & look guy looks around. Various test booklets shown w/ subjects they test for. School counselor giving test to Bob. Sit & talk at desk about results of tests. Discuss how to figure out what jobs relate to interests, hobbies. 04:08:55 Bob filling out interest inventory. Talks w/ teachers to find out how he can do better. They give him suggestions. He sits at home and looks at notes he’s made in MCU of 3-ring binder. 04:10:37 Machinist at lathe, pan over workshop. Surveyor. Man at desk job. Man w/ couple pointing out real estate. College students walking on campus in sunshine; nurses out of hospital. Students on steps by sign: Northwestern Technological Institute. Others walking into Education building on campus. Students outside of business school. High school students walking out of school talking. 04:12:22 Bob in library to find out more about careers of interest to him. Librarian pulls out books on various occupations. He browses & makes notes in his notebook. Mails letters; visits engineer holding blueprints on job site. Man suggests a summer job. 04:14:22 Bob talking to mechanic; tool & die maker. Window shopping at photography store. At home graphs his thoughts. Talks to his folks, sister listening & playing w/ doll. 04:15:50 Getting ready for bed, looks in mirror & sees himself in various jobs. 04:16:33 Greets family at breakfast table. New plastic dishes on table & he & family talk abut industrial design & architecture as other possibilities to look into. The End. Occupations; Teenagers; Gags; Oddities;