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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220875-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1919,1929,1920s,1930,1931,1932,1930s
Country: Germany
Location: BAUHAUS,Berlin
TC Begins: 07:13:08
TC Ends: 07:28:58
Duration: 00:15:50
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Post-WWI - Germany, Politics: Weimar, SDP, Fascists etc. 1925 - 1930 (?) Electioneering activity; truck / lorry w/ poster re Otto Braun (SDP & elected to Weimar National Assembly, 1919). Trucks carry flags, waving crowds. Leaflets handed out. MS Braun (?) out of car. 07:14:48 Hindenburg in office; Hindenburg in car & motorcade to cheering crowd; Hindenburg leaving Reichstag reviewing Honor Guard. Nazis (?) in street. 07:16:07 KPD demonstration / parade in Lustgarten; vars shots KDP rally w/ speakers including woman. 07:17:40 Joseph Goebbels in office c 1926; Goebbels out of car; Early stills NSDAP party members in meetings. Film footage: Goebbels in leather jacket addresses outdoor meeting. NSDAP youth members parading & at street meetings; arrests of NSDAP members & opponents. 07:18:54 Still Bernard Weiss, Jewish lawyer & Vice President of Berlin Police (1927 - 1932) - MCU Weiss seated at desk. 07:19:07 LS Hitler arriving to address meeting at Sportspalast? Children play in gutter. 07:19:37 Aerial & ground shots large Bauhaus housing development. Children playing in park. 07:20:38 Police ride bicycles thru empty streets following ban on 01May29 demonstration. Protesters and KPD members in park being chased and arrested by police on horseback. High angle of riots & people chased in streets by police. 07:21:31 Funerals of victims of May 1st riots and demonstrations w/ speakers, mourners, etc. 07:22:11 K.V.G. storefront; stills of industrialists / businessmen & politicians involved in scandal & subsequent trial (?) 07:22:59 Oct29 Tilt down exterior Reichstag - funeral cortege of Stresemann, German Foreign Minister past crowds lining streets. 07:24:24 Montage: Inflation: Night interior w/ milling crowd. Bank windows (Black Friday), people at counters withdrawing money. Queues outside banks, police hold back crowds. Exteriors of closed factories, people lined up & out of bank (?). Unemployed on street corners, park benches; man selling postcards, men play cards, MS & CUs old lady sings & dances for money on street. 07:27:17 Weimar Chancellor / Reichschancellor Heinrich Bruening / Bruning (30Mar30 - 30May32) seated at desk - newspaper headline against Bruning. 07:27:40 Ernst Thaelmann / Thalmann (KPD) addresses street meeting (MOS). Nazis drive through streets in open trucks. 07:28:11 Politicians arrive for meeting includes Goebbels. 1920s History; Nazis; Politics; 1930s; Depression; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: