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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221655-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: N/A
Country: USA
Location: Florida,SPACE
TC Begins: 18:50:12
TC Ends: 18:56:03
Duration: 00:05:51
Project Mercury Summation Pt. 2 of 2 Continued... Man hoisted into helicopter from ship deck. 18:50:26 Night w/ rocket lighted on launch pad. Night astronaut boarding rocket & lift off. 18:50:46 Title: May 24, 1962 24May62 Mercury Atlas Seven w/ Scott Carpenter in capsule. Control room; shipboard & helicopter retrieval of capsule. 18:51:26 Rocket lifting off, Mercury Atlas Eight 0ctober 3, 1962 03Oct62. Sigma Seven w/ Walter Schirra. Navy ship control & capsule seen landing from aircraft carrier. 18:52:05 Title: May 15, 1963 15May63 Mercury Atlas Nine - Faith Seven w/ Gordon Cooper boarding & entering capsule. Blood pressure testing; tests set up & shown. 18:53:18 Rocket lift-off; view in capsule. Turning radar dishes / antennas. Capsule descending by parachute; lifted aboard & Cooper smiling. 18:54:18 Rocket; engineers in control room, ships, recovery, launches, astronauts in CUs. CU of space capsule names. Aerials of NASA & industry buildings. Capsules; rocket lifting off. Space Exploration; 1958; 1961; Successes; Achievements; NASA; Cape Kennedy;