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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220618-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1931
Country: Azerbaijan,Russia
Location: Baku,Grasny,Leningrad,Stalingrad,USSR - Baturn,Volga
TC Begins: 17:51:22
TC Ends: 18:01:28
Duration: 00:10:06
Russia's First Five Year Plan R7 of 9 Baku oil wells and wooden & metal towers. Pumps at work; drilling; gushers. Oil refining at Baturn on Black Sea fed by pipe line. Grasny oil field in Caucus Mts. Expansion and building. Auto factories being built. Volga River. Nisni? auto build Ford-type cars to be licensed by Ford. Workers on factory buildings. Leningrad shipyard & launching of lumber carrier. Industry - Spinning mill in textile center. Large paper mills; logs cut for pulpwood & pulp making. Crane shot thru mill in Karale(?) Republic. Stalingrad tractor factory under construction. Steel frame erected. Leningrad tractor plant being rebuilt for Fordson type tractor construction.