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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221422-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1957
Country: USA
Location: Massachusetts
TC Begins: 18:21:13
TC Ends: 18:34:21
Duration: 00:13:08
Section Sixteen: Education History In USA (1957) Westinghouse Broadcasting Company producted for National Education Association on 100th Anniversary Narrated by Raymond Massey 18:21:42 Protestant settlers in pioneer setting w/ stockade, guns & cannons. Church; teaching & children play w/ doll, woman teaching boy & two girls reading, sitting by fireplace. Children in town meeting hall. 18:24:10 Sign: William Penn Charter School; other Quaker schools in Pennsylvania. Many churches. Cemetery. Girl learning spinning. Waterwheel in CU (GOOD). Monuments to revolutionary war, flags. Grant’s General Store sign; proclamation posted setting land aside for schools. Teacher arriving at farm to teach. New England town center w/ one-room school, kids play outside. 18:26:53 Woman ringing school bell, kids go inside, sit at desk reading simple book & using abacus. Ballots. 18:28:01 Split rail fence. POV past trees; forests. 18:28:22 Large Mission school in west. Eastern one-room school. Waterwheel. (GOOD). Statue of Horace Mann. Women talks about education. Town meeting & arguing. CU globe. 18:30:18 Little Red School House. High schools started. McGuffy’s Reader in CU. Reciting. 18:31:22 Montage of industrialization & schools teach industrial crafts. High school teacher & industrial arts class. High angle of modern students leaving after school. School buildings. 18:32:25 Men work in heavy industry. Child & large Teddy Bear. Military parade. Crowded entrance to school w/ mixed races. Building steel structure school. Kids on swings, girl eating ice cream cone & playing in school yard at recess. The End.