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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221619-11
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1920s,1928
Country: USA
Location: Arizona,Butte,Jerome,Michigan,Montana
TC Begins: 00:54:02
TC Ends: 01:02:58
Duration: 00:08:56
The Story of Copper - Mining R4 of 5 Pt. 1 of 2 Title: “Next in order of difficulty... Northern Michigan - here the ore is native copper. A shift of miners going down.” Many miners climbing onto steps of skip, sit down; skip / car descends by cable. 00:55:33 Title: “A trip along a level.” POV along tracks thru tilted tunnel w/ shoring; graffiti seen on some ceiling rock. 00:56:22 Title: “Looking down into a stope, w/ a steep dip.” 3 miners scrambling up towards camera. 00:56:47 Title: “Large masses of copper are found occasionally. This one weighs about 8 tons.” Miners sitting on & beside large rock in mine shaft. 00:57:05 Title: “In the stopes - sorting copper rock from waste.” Large tall shaft, some timbers, crew loading ore into cart; man on tall ladder pounding shoring beneath ceiling. 00:57:28 Title: “Drawing waste rock for filling a stope.” Cart on rails pushed under chute; man activates valve & dumps several times filling cart, two men push along rail, swivel by hand & dump to side of tracks. 00:58:38 Title: “Characteristic ‘dry walls’”. Two men working rock loose in chute to fill cart. 00:59:25 Title: “Loading ore into a skip.” Nearly verticle shaft, skip descends & men dump cart into skip. 00:59:55 Title: “A mighty hoist...” Huge drum w/ cable trurned by large piston. Men raised out of mine in skip car; climb out & leave. 01:00:59 Title: “Returning to Jerome, Arizona.” Large crater w/ smoke & fumes rising. 01:01:09 Title: “The ore below the burning stopes is mined by...horizonatal cut and fill. The cut...” explained process of filling stope w/ waste & plank flooring, then loosening roof & removing by shoveling into chutes thru floor. Men shoveling debris in large stope as men drill in back. 01:01:51 Title: “Before the stope is filled, cribs are built above the ore chutes in the floor.” GOOD view of cribbing around chutes & men working in back of stope chamber. 01:02:05 Title: “The Fill - into the open fill... Men in previous shot moving cart of waste rock & dumping. Continued... Heavy Industry; Laborers; 1920s; Natural Resources; Environmental Destruction; 1928;