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Story of Oak Ridge Operations, The Pt. 3 of 3

Reel Number: 221527-05

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1970s

Country: Puerto Rico,USA

Location: Mayaguez,OAK RIDGE,Puerto Rico,San Juan,Tennessee

TC Begins: 04:52:10

TC Ends: 05:00:10

Duration: 00:08:00

The Story of Oak Ridge Operations Pt. 3 of 3 Plaque: Oak Ridge Associated Universities Administration 1959 & woman leaving. Various college names & plaques. Professor & students at various work. Main frame computer; large machine treating cancer patients & diagnosis. Nurses, technicians, doctors. Computer processing data. Man in radiation treatment room; television monitoring. 04:54:02 Exhibits for AEC. American Museum of Atomic Energy exterior, people at exhibits. Lecture demonstration of mechanical hands, traveling exhibits. High school program; professional training, lectures & technology training. 04:55:38 Agricultural Research Laboratory, Oak Ridge. Growing plants to test for mutations; studing farm sheep. 04:56:34 Puerto Rico surf on rocks, palms. Ext. of Puerto Rico Nuclear Center. Researchers studying & teaching. Cobalt 60 teletherapy for cancer treatment. Reactor w/ glow & training at Mayaguez; research on insects & pests; studying rain forest; ocean marine research boat & studying environment of bay & water currents. 04:59:22 LS of Oak Ridge community. Montage of daily life. POV past suburban houses & pans over plants. “A better life thru atomic energy”. Promotional Film; Government Film; Atomic Power Plants; Industry; Manufacturing; High Technology; Workers;