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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221010-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s
Country: France
Location: Mazamet,South of France
TC Begins: 02:37:57
TC Ends: 02:44:38
Duration: 00:06:41
The Home We Love Reel 2 Documentary: Focuses on the french town of Mazamet and its role as a great wool and leather producing centre, before and after World War II. Wool factory: Women carry bales of wool for processing. Wool washed in large containers - steaming vats. Clean wool put in spin dryer operated by woman. Clean wool transported round factory on conveyor belts. Women sorting wool. 02:39:25 Old man wearing beret sitting on stone bridge lights pipe, remembers the time just after the war when France had no money or industry - factories with machines standing idle, streets with closed shops and houses with closed shutters. Closed banks. Men chopping logs - fishing in Arnet River. 02:40:51 Modern day - busy streets / shoppers / industry up and running in Mazamet. Lorries through town. Commentary says £7 million Sterling given through Marshall Plan brought Mazanet back to life. Factories working. Heavy machinery / mechanisation. Warehouses full of wool. Looms - spinning - mills. Bundles of wool for export. Bundles of wool on lorries. 02:43:25 River shots. Old man gets lift in truck up hill to his home above Mazamet; helped off truck by driver. Shots over valley. Marshall Plan. Agriculture / Farming. Textile Industry.