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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220733-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1918
Country: France
TC Begins: 13:11:12
TC Ends: 13:24:37
Duration: 00:13:25
WWI - Medical Scenes in France - Reel 15 Entrance hospital and courtyard. American ? servicemen pose; nurses in uniform pose. Panoramic shot countryside outskirts of small industrial? town. Two French officers exit large door and shake hands. Mutilated faces - graphic CUs showing scars and deformities - gross. 13:15:18 Hospital ward rooms. 13:15:41 Steam train arrives in station and US? troops disembark. Troops through town. Military burial. Views military cemetery. Men decorated and parade. 13:21:31 War wounded in hospital bed with plaster cast - small American flag hangs above him. Nurse tends patient. WW1; Wounded;