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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220731-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1914-1918
Country: France
TC Begins: 09:28:10
TC Ends: 09:43:55
Duration: 00:15:45
WWI - France, Actuality R2 of 5 On French mobilization - supplies & guns Warehouse w/ goods stacked by soldiers: shoes, cloth; food storage. 09:30:01 Ext of long low building w/ many chimneys; int. w/ bread being baked in huge quantities. Large barrels of wine stacked outdoors, loaded by hose into or from tank cars. Sheep & cattle in pens in stockyards. Men moving stacked vegetables from warehouse to train, carrots seen; large stacks of firewood. 09:31:42 Pan across trucks in storage depot; convoy leaving along road (GOOD). Warehouse w/ oil drums; gasoline in crates. Women stacking munitions (?) Pan over int. of large rifle factory, women workers, men boring rifle barrels, moving parts thru yard. Hoisting rifles out of oil. CU of old style rifle fitted w/ shells. CU new repeating rifle showing placing of magazine in animation. 09:34:47 Demonstration of machine gun being fired, loaded. Grenades & practicing throwing. 09:36:00 Trench rifle w/ attachment for firing bombs. 37mm trench cannon fired. 58mm trench mortar loaded & fired. 75mm trench gun hauled into place by team of soldiers, set up & fired. 150mm Trench mortar cannon pulled into place & fired w/ lanyard. 240mm mortar & winged bomb loaded. 09:38:07 Small French tanks demonstrated rolling past as soldiers watch. 09:38:28 Large factory seen from above w/ heavy cannons manufactured on work floor. Men working seen from overhead crane. Floor & belt driven lathes & other machines, women, boys & some men working GOOD. Large barrels of artillery & overhead crane. 65mm guns moved on mules & set in place, troops prepare for firing. French 75mm guns fired, men reloading & firing. 09:41;27 120mm short barrel mounted on wheels. 120mm Long range heavy field artillery lined up, man raised barrel. 140mm w/ men around it & winching into place. 155mm w/ barrel raised & firing from behind embankment. Schneider 155mm rapid fire gun fired several times. war production. WW1 Armaments; French War Industry; WWI Military Hardware; NOTE: Entire or partial sold at per reel rate