Colombia And Venezuela (2nd Edition)
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films - Latin American Series
Andes farming scenes: plowing w/ oxen, harvesting hillside grain by hand, horses trample on grain to separate husks, toss resulting stalks in air w/ fork.
21:29:12 Pelicans landing, men pulling in fishing nets on Caribbean coast using old methods. Village market w/ large fish wrapped in leaves by seller; live chicken weighed, wrapped in newspaper. Women wash clothes in creek below palm trees. VO “ may hear them talk and wonder, if there isn’t perhaps a different way, a better way”.
21:30:17 City street scenes: construction sites, excavating, modern buildings & highways in Caracas. Map of South America w/ zoom in on Colombia & Venezuela. Old Spanish fort. Sugar cane plantation at harvest time. Magdalena River in Colombia - villages on riverbanks.
21:32:37 Men pan gold at edge of river. Map of terrain of two countries. Jeep thru rocky mountain region. Interior valley, eastern Cordiera, towns established by Conquistadores. Coffee plantation of small fincas owned by immigrant farmer; coffee beans picked by hand & laid out to dry in sun. Owner’s son arrives home, listens to schools program on radio; part-Indian wife cooking in kitchen, serves dinner.
21:36:24 Bogota, Colombia street scenes of Spanish colonial architecture & churches; statue of Simon Bolivar, army parade, VO re turbulent history. Mestizo laborers, shoe-shine boy. Business district. Bogota airport. Map of Ilanos region; nomadic Indians in dry scrubland; Ilaneros cattle farmers w/ skinny cows. Poor roads & heavy rains. Girl pulls herself across river in basket hanging from pulley system. Flooded village.
21:40:11 CU oil bubbling up. Lake Maracaibo drilling scenes, workers & foreman, VO re new class of worker. Launch arrives at oil platform, workers arrive back on shore. Foreman arrives home, reads magazine; wife in clean modern kitchen, daughter at typewriter works on university project, younger kids play dominos. Map of Guiana Highlands region in need of development.
21:42:40 Iron ore mining in Guiana Highlands region, ore processed & loaded onto ship. Steel mill. Emerald workers in factory cutting gems. Textile mill.
21:43:39 Modern apartment buildings & university campus in Caracas, mosaic artwork on walls. Professor out of university, into Volkswagen Beetle; home, father greets family in apartment; VO re rise of educated class taking interest in politics of country. City street scenes, traffic on highways; peasants from countryside selling wares. Slum clearance. Public housing project w/ shanty town below. Homes of rich, ultra-modern architecture; poor people in rural village; CUs South American people.
21:46:17 B/W stock footage of rioting in streets, demonstrations. Aerial views across large city - Caracas?
Travelogues; South America; Progress; Development; Race; Class; Geography;
Colombia And Venezuela (2nd Edition) Encyclopaedia Britannica Films - Latin American Series Andes farming scenes: plowing w/ oxen, harvesting hillside grain by hand, horses trample on grain to separate husks, toss resulting stalks in air w/ fork. 21:29:12 Pelicans landing, men pulling in fishing nets on Caribbean coast using old methods. Village market w/ large fish wrapped in leaves by seller; live chicken weighed, wrapped in newspaper. Women wash clothes in creek below palm trees. VO “ may hear them talk and wonder, if there isn’t perhaps a different way, a better way”. 21:30:17 City street scenes: construction sites, excavating, modern buildings & highways in Caracas. Map of South America w/ zoom in on Colombia & Venezuela. Old Spanish fort. Sugar cane plantation at harvest time. Magdalena River in Colombia - villages on riverbanks. 21:32:37 Men pan gold at edge of river. Map of terrain of two countries. Jeep thru rocky mountain region. Interior valley, eastern Cordiera, towns established by Conquistadores. Coffee plantation of small fincas owned by immigrant farmer; coffee beans picked by hand & laid out to dry in sun. Owner’s son arrives home, listens to schools program on radio; part-Indian wife cooking in kitchen, serves dinner. 21:36:24 Bogota, Colombia street scenes of Spanish colonial architecture & churches; statue of Simon Bolivar, army parade, VO re turbulent history. Mestizo laborers, shoe-shine boy. Business district. Bogota airport. Map of Ilanos region; nomadic Indians in dry scrubland; Ilaneros cattle farmers w/ skinny cows. Poor roads & heavy rains. Girl pulls herself across river in basket hanging from pulley system. Flooded village. 21:40:11 CU oil bubbling up. Lake Maracaibo drilling scenes, workers & foreman, VO re new class of worker. Launch arrives at oil platform, workers arrive back on shore. Foreman arrives home, reads magazine; wife in clean modern kitchen, daughter at typewriter works on university project, younger kids play dominos. Map of Guiana Highlands region in need of development. 21:42:40 Iron ore mining in Guiana Highlands region, ore processed & loaded onto ship. Steel mill. Emerald workers in factory cutting gems. Textile mill. 21:43:39 Modern apartment buildings & university campus in Caracas, mosaic artwork on walls. Professor out of university, into Volkswagen Beetle; home, father greets family in apartment; VO re rise of educated class taking interest in politics of country. City street scenes, traffic on highways; peasants from countryside selling wares. Slum clearance. Public housing project w/ shanty town below. Homes of rich, ultra-modern architecture; poor people in rural village; CUs South American people. 21:46:17 B/W stock footage of rioting in streets, demonstrations. Aerial views across large city - Caracas? Travelogues; South America; Progress; Development; Race; Class; Geography;