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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221441-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1952
Country: Canada,USA
Location: Iroquis,Montreal
TC Begins: 07:47:46
TC Ends: 08:00:45
Duration: 00:12:59
Pt. 2 of 2 Men tamping concrete in dam construction; CUs. crane moving bucket to pour. Various construction shots. Walter Cronkite w/ model of channel. Earthmovers moving & building dikes. 07:50:14 Iroquoi, Canada street scene w/ traffic prior to removal for dam reservoir. House movers moving house to new town site & people walking behind. Trees removed; highway moved. 07:50:49 View up thru antenna. GOOD. High voltage power line towers; US & Canada flags on mast at border customs post. 07:51:31 Grass River Lock construction. Eisenhower lock construction & excavating marine clay. CU man walking in mud; dredging w/ drag-line. Glacier till being removed, first using deep sub-soiler type blade. 07:52:35 River shallow water thru ice; excavation w/ earth movers pushed by bulldozers. Breaking ice on top; bulldozers working at night w/ lights. Daytime & deep excavation nearly to bedrock. Model. 07:54:11 Earthmovers pulled w/ large Caterpillar D-8 dozer. Aerial w/ control dam under construction. Ground shot of partially constructed dam w/ dozers & shovels moving rock using dump trucks. Men working on catwalks. Earthmoving equipment; islands combined in river. Drilling & moving rock. Model shows combined. 07:57:37 Dredging rock & much & loading into large barges. Sunset over Lake Ontario. 07:58:37 Steel mill & pouring large bucket. Ore carriers unloaded. Combining grain; grain elevators along river w/ carriers loaded. 07:59:45 Montage: Montreal seen from across St. Lawrence river. Unloading of ship; CUs of power lines; large drilling machine; neon signs; appliances; lights turned on. 08:00:15 Cronkite talks to camera. Construction Projects; Inland Seaway; Waterway; International Cooperation; Borders; Promotion; Sponsored Films; 1950s; NOTE: Each part sold at per reel rate, or any continuous thirteen minutes for per reel rate.