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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221177-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1930s
Country: Russia,USSR
TC Begins: 09:03:08
TC Ends: 09:13:57
Duration: 00:10:49
USSR Agriculture Workers Sd. Women in field singing while stacking bundles of grain. Silhouetted tractors pulling swathers in grain field. 09:04:17 Sd. Workers listening to man speaking beside large steam threshing machine. 09:05:07 Sd. Overhead shot of army (?) men marching. 09:05:29 Sd. Women couples dancing by large threshing machine as others watching. Man dances around outside of group. 09:07:29 Sd. Tractors pulling swathers cutting grain. Past threshing machine. Intercut w/ brief shots of steel mill. Woman march past w/ rakes. Women pitching grain into thresher. 09:10:49 Si. Steam engine pulling train in runby. Slowed down from previous. 09:11:42 Sd. Woman writing, inter-titles of how they think of Lenin as their father. View of his books, etc. 09:12:17 Sd. Kids in rural outdoor school. CU woman’s eyes. Clouds above combines in field. Woman feeding chickens in USSR republic; oriental girl & others marching. Biplane over combines etc. 09:13:12 Sd. Two women & child into open car as other villagers watch leaving. Combine & biplane. Women riding in car across Steppes. 1930s USSR Agriculture Workers; Poetic Images; Manual Labor;