R2 of 2
German tanks seen firing thru binoculars. Explosions. Ambulance crew to burning truck, load wounded amidst other explosions.
11:10:18 Enemy tanks advance seen thru binoculars. Explosions around them. Commander: “Give them hell, boys!” American tanks arrive & tank vs tank fighting, explosions.
11:12:03 American tank hit, burning.
11:12:07 Sign outside office door: Lieut. Gen. B.B. Somervell, Commanding General Army Services Forces.
11:12:15 CU Somervell to camera: “When Hitler put this war on wheels he ran it right down our alley.”
11:12:21 Montage: Automobile assembly line w/ workers assembling cars; cars off assembly line; on trucks; railroad yard; combines in wheat field; bulldozer; bus on Route 66; college kids in jalopy; crates loaded on ship; Japanese traffic policeman, signs, pedestrians; Italy & bicycle & pedestrians & cars; Germany railroad station w/ cars, horses & wagons.
11:13:16 Montage: Broadway & Times Square w/ crowds of cars, trollies & pedestrians; parking lot; parkway w/ traffic; Indianapolis 500 race & car crash; Hitler on podium reviewing tank corps; military vehicles in field; Panzer division up dirt road.
11:13:49 Montage: US cavalry, horse drawn artillery, field exercises, trucks w/ signs: tank. Fighter plane dropping flour bombs on tanks.
11:14:15 Montage: American industrial factories w/ large punch presses & other machinery being installed on factory floors; assembly lines; tanks off; trucks & armored equipment to field.
11:15:01 General Devers standing before microphone in field, pan to listening soldiers.
11:15:15 Montage: coal mining; workers in steel mills; machine shops; men turning very large wrenches. GOOD.
11:15:31 CU SOF General McNair: The sooner you get in the killing mood, the better & more skillful you will be when the real test comes. The struggle is for survival: Kill or Be Killed!
11:15:43 Explosions in desert, tanks past & firing.
11:16:19 Tank interior & crew loading ammunition, firing. Explosions. Tanks move forward toward burning tanks.
11:17:01 Int. of tank & POV moving ahead, hitting fleeing German tanks.
11:17:47 American soldier out of M4 Sherman tank & looking at burning tanks; on radio telephone. Tanks leave in victory.
Convoy moves ahead.
WW2; North Africa; Propaganda Films; War Effort;
NOTE: Staged but good picture quality & action.
R2 of 2 German tanks seen firing thru binoculars. Explosions. Ambulance crew to burning truck, load wounded amidst other explosions. 11:10:18 Enemy tanks advance seen thru binoculars. Explosions around them. Commander: “Give them hell, boys!” American tanks arrive & tank vs tank fighting, explosions. 11:12:03 American tank hit, burning. 11:12:07 Sign outside office door: Lieut. Gen. B.B. Somervell, Commanding General Army Services Forces. 11:12:15 CU Somervell to camera: “When Hitler put this war on wheels he ran it right down our alley.” 11:12:21 Montage: Automobile assembly line w/ workers assembling cars; cars off assembly line; on trucks; railroad yard; combines in wheat field; bulldozer; bus on Route 66; college kids in jalopy; crates loaded on ship; Japanese traffic policeman, signs, pedestrians; Italy & bicycle & pedestrians & cars; Germany railroad station w/ cars, horses & wagons. 11:13:16 Montage: Broadway & Times Square w/ crowds of cars, trollies & pedestrians; parking lot; parkway w/ traffic; Indianapolis 500 race & car crash; Hitler on podium reviewing tank corps; military vehicles in field; Panzer division up dirt road. 11:13:49 Montage: US cavalry, horse drawn artillery, field exercises, trucks w/ signs: tank. Fighter plane dropping flour bombs on tanks. 11:14:15 Montage: American industrial factories w/ large punch presses & other machinery being installed on factory floors; assembly lines; tanks off; trucks & armored equipment to field. 11:15:01 General Devers standing before microphone in field, pan to listening soldiers. 11:15:15 Montage: coal mining; workers in steel mills; machine shops; men turning very large wrenches. GOOD. 11:15:31 CU SOF General McNair: The sooner you get in the killing mood, the better & more skillful you will be when the real test comes. The struggle is for survival: Kill or Be Killed! 11:15:43 Explosions in desert, tanks past & firing. 11:16:19 Tank interior & crew loading ammunition, firing. Explosions. Tanks move forward toward burning tanks. 11:17:01 Int. of tank & POV moving ahead, hitting fleeing German tanks. 11:17:47 American soldier out of M4 Sherman tank & looking at burning tanks; on radio telephone. Tanks leave in victory. Convoy moves ahead. WW2; North Africa; Propaganda Films; War Effort; NOTE: Staged but good picture quality & action.