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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221771-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s
Country: Italy
TC Begins: 03:00:12
TC Ends: 03:15:04
Duration: 00:14:52
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWI - 1914-1918, Italy: Munitions Industry & Naval Construction Title: Italian Munitions 1914-1918. Men work on mountainside quarry w/ picks & shovels, loading mine carts; pushing out of hillside tunnel. Narrow gauge steam engine pulling string of ore carts; gondola w/ buckets. 03:00:42 Montage: LS freighter in harbor w/ small sail boat in foreground. Freighter unloading ore buckets from hold of small ship; clamshell dumping coal (?) into railroad car; slag pushed from steel mill buckets. Mill conveyor operating, dumping. Shots of steel mill & molten ore from blast furnaces poured. 03:02:08 High angle / HA pan over steel mill rooftops. Ore moved into furnaces by overhead crane, ore flowing, men pulling bars & automatically rolled on conveyor. 03:03:20 Billets out of furnace, hammered w/ drop hammer. Annealing. LS Large gun barrels being worked in munitions factory; turned on lathes. View inside barrel; other equipment & men at belt driven drilling & turning machines milling, etc. Large cutting machines. 03:05:30 Men working on rifles on crowded factory floor, MCUs. 03:05:43 Women working on ?? at work benches. LS across assembled machine guns mounted on tripods. 03:06:02 Forming hot sheet metal in press to fabricate large mortar shells. Stacked. Men welding. 03:06:45 Filling powder into shells & capping w/ wooden mallet, fastening nose. 03:07:05 Women at many belt driven machines w/ shell casings stacked. Men working on shells. Woman at lathes (?). Men & women working on various size ammunition; moving cartridges & stacking shells on pallets. 03:08:29 Women weighing & filling powder bags, boxing, filling cartridges, packing finished shells. 03:09:08 Large shells lifted w/ hoist; racks of smaller cartridges & LS across floor w/ activity & workers pose. 03:09:37 LS across floor of aircraft factory w/ men assembling wooden wing sections. Large aircraft engine & men working on large biplane under construction. Ext. w/ tri-wing plane. Dirigible moved out of hanger onto airfield, view from above w/ machine gunner. 03:10:29 Dirigible bomb cage w/ bombs mounted & men inside, in hanger. 03:10:43 LS across factory floors & men working at machinery. View of women in factory at long work benches. 03:11:10 Pan over many partially assembled truck chassises. Ext w/ rows of army trucks w/ canvas covered truck beds; beginning to drive off. 03:11:28 Title: Manufacturing glass for military purposes. Men pulling glass on racks from furnace (dark) & breaking w/ sledge hammers. Man holds up large chunk of clear glass. 03:12:06 MS Men & women working grinding / polishing glass, inspecting, Large glass lens for searchlights (?) polished w/ turning machines & finished by hand. Assembled. Demonstrated. 03:13:48 Title: Fabricating Plates for Submarines & Cruisers. MCU man riveting w/ air hammer; men riveting on large steel sheet w/ machine. 03:14:13 Submarine w/ flag under construction (?) tied in water beside concrete pier. Crowd watching large ship hull sliding into water. GOOD. 03:14:47 Small Italian navy ship underway under heavy black smoke. Battleship firing broadside w/ heavy smoke & flashes of flames. WW1; Heavy Industry; 1910s; Metalworking; Armament; Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: