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Reel Number: 221092-37
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951
Country: USA
Location: NJ,Princeton
TC Begins: 17:20:12
TC Ends: 17:20:42
Duration: 00:00:30
News In Brief: Princeton, N.J. Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion visiting Albert Einstein at his home in Princeton - shake hands & pose for cameras in garden. 1950s.
1967 - Color, 1967, Atomic Energy: Government Documentary, The Day Tomorrow Began: CP-1 The First Atomic Pile Pt. 1 of 2
1930 - Scientists: Einstein Arrives! German Savant Here For Lecture Tour And Scientific Research. Dec30
Einstein Home
Total Reels
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News In Brief: Princeton, N.J. Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion visiting Albert Einstein at his home in Princeton - shake hands & pose for cameras in garden. 1950s.