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Post-WWII - 1945, Surrender: Japanese Mission Enroute; MacArthur in Manila; Halsey Victory Cake

Reel Number: 220468-65

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1945,1940s

Country: Japan,Philippines,USA

Location: Le shima aka Lejima,Manila

TC Begins: 02:14:06

TC Ends: 02:16:41

Duration: 00:02:35

Post-WWII - 1945, Surrender: Japanese Mission to MacArthur (And Halsey Victory Cake) Title: First Pictures: Jap Surrender Mission To MacArthur. 02:14:12 Japanese surrender emisseries in white planes marked w/ crosses land past Americans waiting on le Shima / lejima airfield for occupation orders. Japanese delegation led by General Takashoro / Torashiro Kawabe out of plane; pan of delegation & standing. 02:14:57 Japanese climb ladder to board American plane en route to Manila. Plane takes off. 02:15:26 Intertitle: MacArthur in Manila. Holding microphone MacArthur addresses troops from balcony, SOF: “It is largely due to your own splendid efforts; very shortly I trust we’ll all be going home. Waves. 02:15:52 Intertitle: Halsey Celebrates. Aboard ship reading paper then receiving news of surrender of Japan. Drinks toast w/ British Admiral Rawlings & four officers standing, sit around table. Victory cake w/ Japan rising sun flag on icing served. Halsey jokes w/ bayonet knife pretending to cut other’s throat then slices cake. WW2 Victory Celebrations; Post-WW2 Military Occupation; 1940s;