Reel Number: 221174-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s,1941,1942,1943,1944,1950s
Country: Japan,Korea,Singapore,USA,USSR
Location: Hawaii,Malaya,Pacific,Pearl Harbor,Singapore
TC Begins: 02:25:36
TC Ends: 02:44:10
Duration: 00:18:34
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1940 - 1950s: Documentary Extract re Japanese & Russian Militarism, WWII into Korean War Japanese troops marching through packed stadium in rainy military parade - VO re Japanese militarism & “Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere” - Tojo addresses troops from podium - pan across servicewomen in uniform, schoolgirls & CUs soldiers listening to Tojo. 02:27:07 Japanese navy ships at sea, battleships, aircraft carrier, fighter planes launched - air to air shots - aerial bombardment of airfield & Pearl Harbor shots inc. US battleship burning. 02:28:30 Japanese troops land on beaches of Malaya, fix bayonets & run; advance towards Singapore. British surrender, flags. General Yamashita & Arthur Percival. 02:29:51 Japanese tanks roll into Singapore Feb42. 02:30:48 Kamikaze pilots & last drink ceremony before mission c1944; very young pilots into cockpits, waved off by civilians & take off. Good Kamikaze attack sequence inc. gun camera footage, air to air & sea to air shots. Allied battleships at sea - shots from deck as plane dives & crashes into sea - long tracking shot showing Kamikaze diving towards targets & exploding on impact - anti-aircraft gunners - burning wreckage on deck. 02:34:23 Pacific islands - Marines hunt Japanese soldiers out of foxholes w/ grenades & flame-throwers - Japanese sniper shot, body falls into trench. 02:36:02 Japanese prisoners taken on Okinawa, some wounded - good semi-silhouette shot PoWs on ridge. US air raids over Japan, bombs dropping; burning buildings in Tokyo, firestorm; still of child’s body in ruins. 02:37:37 Aerial view Hiroshima? Atomic explosions over Hiroshima & Nagasaki - mushroom clouds. Good shots Japanese civilians & military listen to Emperor Hirohito’s announcement of Japanese surrender - bowed heads. 02:38:42 02Sep45 MCU Mamoru Shigemitsu boarding USS Missouri for signing of surrender document - Allies sign after Shigemitsu. 02:40:24 Korean War scenes - tanks firing. Civilians evacuate w/ possessions along pontoon bridge. US & Allied troops fight at roadside. 02:41:15 Red Square military parade; rows of tanks in field. 02:41:38 Atomic bomb pacific test blast; good mushroom cloud shots. 02:41:55 MacArthur out of plane smoking pipe; CU MacArthur in sunglasses. US tanks on flatcars. Korean civilians along railroad tracks. Fighter jets, planes, take off & attack behind North Korean supply lines - air to air shots - napalm bombing air to ground shots. Burning ruins of village. History; WW2 Summary; Pacific War; Anti-Japanese Racism; Militarism; Fighting; Battles; Cold War; Korean War; NOTE: Any continuous 10 minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: