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HUAC - Hanns Eisler Part 2

Reel Number: 220889-21

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL and SD

Year / Date: 1947

Country: USA


TC Begins: 07:30:18

TC Ends: 07:38:23

Duration: 00:08:05

HUAC - Hanns Eisler Part 2 Eisler talks about making an application for membership of the Communist party “I am not a politician... I did not pay my dues”. “How long were you a member... How many years?” - “No years... a couple of months... I will admit that the German Communists have my deepest respect and sympathy for the fight against Hitler, but I don’t understand much of politics”. Committee says Komintern invited Eisler to Moscow. “I’m sure every red-blooded artist, after you have ruined him for one year, will be very angry about it. Eisler Mentions poetry written in German. Mr. Sumner Wells sworn in and Stripling? reads letter from Eleanor Roosevelt re Eisler. LS hearings room with press - no sound