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Post-WWII - 1947: Paris Conference; Chile Preident w/ Peron & Dutra; FDR French Award; USA 4th of July Parade, Tokyo; B-17 Water Landing Test
Intertitle: Nations Meet In Paris On Marshall Plan.
05:14:13 12Jul47 Bicyclists & traffic past front of ?? CU ornate clock
05:14:20 Interior, crowd of press & delegates.
05:14:29 Long table w/ Conference of European Economic Cooperation (CEEC) delegates; CU name plates: Swiss, French, Great Britain, Greece, MCU Bidault of France, ??, LS & CU of Ernest Bevin speaking (MOS). LS of table.
05:15:04 Title: President of Chile Tours So. America.
05:15:08 Gabriel Gonzalez Videla waving hat from top of stairs from airplane & descends w/ others. Greeted by Juan Peron & ?? w/ hugs. People waving; posing w/ Peron. Large group posing on top of steps.
05:15:32 Gabriel Gonzalez Videla from ship gangway, greeted by Brazil President Dutra w/ hug. Navy sailors saluting. Walking together.
05:15:47 Ticker-tape &/or paper from large building. Walking w/ ?? in palace . VIPs watching as he receives medal, posing.
05:16:12 Title: Personalities in the News - Eleanor Roosevelt.
05:16:16 15Jul47 Mrs Roosevelt w/ President Truman by table w/ painting of FDR, French medal beneath; French VIPs standing behind. CU French Medaille Militaire. Mrs Roosevelt receiving from French Ambassador Henri Bonnet as Truman watches.
05:16:41 Title: Occupation Troops Parade.
05:16:42 04Jul47 Military staff car w/ five-stars on license plate. MacArthur out.
05:16:52 HA troops marching up Tokyo avenue lined w/ crowds. Reviewing stand w/ Mrs Douglas MacArthur & others watching Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers Parade. Marching Australian, Indian & other troops; women military.
05:17:30 CU General MacArthur & Major General Robert Eichelberger.
05:17:36 Title: News In Brief - Florida.
05:17:39 Aerial from above of four engine B-17 plane / bomber over water; several military bombers over water.
05:17:55 CU illustrated cartoon: Ditching test. CU map of ditching site.
05:18:05 B-17 low over water & hitting. Circling partially submerged plane from water.
Post-WW2 Economy; Cold War; Marshall Plan;
NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at:
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Post-WWII - 1947: Paris Conference; Chile Preident w/ Peron & Dutra; FDR French Award; USA 4th of July Parade, Tokyo; B-17 Water Landing Test Intertitle: Nations Meet In Paris On Marshall Plan. 05:14:13 12Jul47 Bicyclists & traffic past front of ?? CU ornate clock 05:14:20 Interior, crowd of press & delegates. 05:14:29 Long table w/ Conference of European Economic Cooperation (CEEC) delegates; CU name plates: Swiss, French, Great Britain, Greece, MCU Bidault of France, ??, LS & CU of Ernest Bevin speaking (MOS). LS of table. 05:15:04 Title: President of Chile Tours So. America. 05:15:08 Gabriel Gonzalez Videla waving hat from top of stairs from airplane & descends w/ others. Greeted by Juan Peron & ?? w/ hugs. People waving; posing w/ Peron. Large group posing on top of steps. 05:15:32 Gabriel Gonzalez Videla from ship gangway, greeted by Brazil President Dutra w/ hug. Navy sailors saluting. Walking together. 05:15:47 Ticker-tape &/or paper from large building. Walking w/ ?? in palace . VIPs watching as he receives medal, posing. 05:16:12 Title: Personalities in the News - Eleanor Roosevelt. 05:16:16 15Jul47 Mrs Roosevelt w/ President Truman by table w/ painting of FDR, French medal beneath; French VIPs standing behind. CU French Medaille Militaire. Mrs Roosevelt receiving from French Ambassador Henri Bonnet as Truman watches. 05:16:41 Title: Occupation Troops Parade. 05:16:42 04Jul47 Military staff car w/ five-stars on license plate. MacArthur out. 05:16:52 HA troops marching up Tokyo avenue lined w/ crowds. Reviewing stand w/ Mrs Douglas MacArthur & others watching Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers Parade. Marching Australian, Indian & other troops; women military. 05:17:30 CU General MacArthur & Major General Robert Eichelberger. 05:17:36 Title: News In Brief - Florida. 05:17:39 Aerial from above of four engine B-17 plane / bomber over water; several military bombers over water. 05:17:55 CU illustrated cartoon: Ditching test. CU map of ditching site. 05:18:05 B-17 low over water & hitting. Circling partially submerged plane from water. Post-WW2 Economy; Cold War; Marshall Plan; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: