1935 - Ex-President Hoover: Speech Excerpts On Spending, Deficits, Debts & Consequences. 05Oct35
Intertitle: Hoover Charges US Is Joyriding to Bankruptcy.
07:47:10 MCU Herbert Hoover to camera, SOF: “The Cost of the New Deal threatens to exceed that of the Great War. Everyone of you knows instance after instance of waste & folly in your own city & village. It appears day after day in the headlines of your papers. Multiply by the thousands of other towns and communities in the United States & you get the appalling total. We have seen the creation of the most gigantic spending bureaucracy.”
07:47:38 CU “That is not only a reduction of your standard of living but of your freedom & your hopes. Here is where common sense cries out to be heard. The folly & waste must be cut out of this expenditure and the Federal Government budget balanced or we shall see one of Three Horsemen ravage this land: Taxation, or Repudiation, or Inflation. These are issues which transcend the interest of any selfish group or any individual. They represent the fate of the Nation.”
Anti-FDR; 1930s New Deal Criticism;
NOTE: Excerpted from 05Oct35 speech given to California Republican Assembly, Oakland, California.
NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Will order entire reel upon request if time permits.
1935 - Ex-President Hoover: Speech Excerpts On Spending, Deficits, Debts & Consequences. 05Oct35 Intertitle: Hoover Charges US Is Joyriding to Bankruptcy. 07:47:10 MCU Herbert Hoover to camera, SOF: “The Cost of the New Deal threatens to exceed that of the Great War. Everyone of you knows instance after instance of waste & folly in your own city & village. It appears day after day in the headlines of your papers. Multiply by the thousands of other towns and communities in the United States & you get the appalling total. We have seen the creation of the most gigantic spending bureaucracy.” 07:47:38 CU “That is not only a reduction of your standard of living but of your freedom & your hopes. Here is where common sense cries out to be heard. The folly & waste must be cut out of this expenditure and the Federal Government budget balanced or we shall see one of Three Horsemen ravage this land: Taxation, or Repudiation, or Inflation. These are issues which transcend the interest of any selfish group or any individual. They represent the fate of the Nation.” Anti-FDR; 1930s New Deal Criticism; NOTE: Excerpted from 05Oct35 speech given to California Republican Assembly, Oakland, California. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Will order entire reel upon request if time permits.