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WWII - 1945, Conference, Yalta: Middle East Conference R1 of 3
LS Coastal town & sea from hilltop tunnel. Russian soldier at attention by road sign. Woman & child walking up hill; motorcycle & sidecar away on road. Wrecked, war damaged buildings & rubble.
10:49:35 People walking along coastal street w/ ornate buildings & iron balconies. People standing about, looking at anti-Nazi poster & cartoon. Tea stand & woman drinking from glass; Livadia Palace w/ signs in Cyrillic Russian & English.
10:50:14 USSR troops w/ rifles & bayonets march; soldier / police directing traffic.
10:50:54 Pedestrians along road & military into building. CU sign: Entrance to canteen, barber shop, sick bay. British or Americans officers out. High Angle / HA Unloading army trucks & views of building.
10:51:18 Convoy of jeeps arrive w/ President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) in cloak & party.
10:51:58 Anna Roosevelt Boettiger w/ Sarah Churchill & Kathleen Harriman walking in parking lot. Stalin out of car & into building; saluting guards; Molotov into building.
10:52:29 Interior large room w/ fire in fireplace; men talking. Anna & two other women pose. Stalin enters w/ others.
10:53:14 Churchill in military uniform w/ large cigar. Ext. & delegates exiting, CU Churchill w/ cigar & wearing fur Cossack hat, posing w/ Stettinius & Sarah Churchill. Cars leaving up driveway. Churchill lback into building; leaving, saluting & into car w/ Sarah. Crs leave.
WW2 Conferences; Big Three;
NOTE: Sold at per reel rate, ask staff about special pricing.
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at:
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1945, Conference, Yalta: Middle East Conference R1 of 3 LS Coastal town & sea from hilltop tunnel. Russian soldier at attention by road sign. Woman & child walking up hill; motorcycle & sidecar away on road. Wrecked, war damaged buildings & rubble. 10:49:35 People walking along coastal street w/ ornate buildings & iron balconies. People standing about, looking at anti-Nazi poster & cartoon. Tea stand & woman drinking from glass; Livadia Palace w/ signs in Cyrillic Russian & English. 10:50:14 USSR troops w/ rifles & bayonets march; soldier / police directing traffic. 10:50:54 Pedestrians along road & military into building. CU sign: Entrance to canteen, barber shop, sick bay. British or Americans officers out. High Angle / HA Unloading army trucks & views of building. 10:51:18 Convoy of jeeps arrive w/ President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) in cloak & party. 10:51:58 Anna Roosevelt Boettiger w/ Sarah Churchill & Kathleen Harriman walking in parking lot. Stalin out of car & into building; saluting guards; Molotov into building. 10:52:29 Interior large room w/ fire in fireplace; men talking. Anna & two other women pose. Stalin enters w/ others. 10:53:14 Churchill in military uniform w/ large cigar. Ext. & delegates exiting, CU Churchill w/ cigar & wearing fur Cossack hat, posing w/ Stettinius & Sarah Churchill. Cars leaving up driveway. Churchill lback into building; leaving, saluting & into car w/ Sarah. Crs leave. WW2 Conferences; Big Three; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate, ask staff about special pricing. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: