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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221718-35
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1950s
Country: Spain
Location: Almaden
TC Begins: 20:38:59
TC Ends: 20:41:02
Duration: 00:02:03
Franco En Almaden (late 1950s) 20:39:03 Motorcade thru crowds lining street; people on balcony applauding. 20:39:08 Franco in white uniform greeted by VIPs, shakes hands. CU placard: Los mineros de Almaden por Franco & por Espana. Franco waves from balcony; people applaud. Franco speaking (MOS). 20:39:28 LS across mine; Franco & others in white coveralls & helmets into mine & walkig thru. Miner at pump. Franco climbing ladder. Intercut w/ miners at work w/ pressure drills. Franco down ladder; walking. 20:40:30 Franco & group out of elevator & look around equipment & model of works at top. LS of conveyor w/ ore. Politicans Visiting Workers; Spain;