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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220687-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1964,1960s
Country: Japan,USA
Location: Nigata,Northampton,Southampton, Massachusetts
TC Begins: 20:05:44
TC Ends: 20:08:21
Duration: 00:02:37
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1964 - Earthquake, Japan: Nagata Fires; Ted Kennedy Plane Crash. Jun64 Intertitle: Japanese ‘Quake - Fires Follow Shock As Thousands Flee. 20:05:48 Fires smoking in rubble in the Japanese petroleum center of Nigata after earthquake disaster. Flames & black smoke as oil storage tanks beside refinery burn. 20:06:16 Trucks w/ oil / chemical drums & soldiers or firemen on top watch fire burn. Pan of burning tanks & overturned railroad cars. 20:06:33 Homeless in city park or outside school sitting on blankets w/ cooking pots. High Angle / HA of scenes of destruction, collapsed buildings & skewed buildings shaken loose from foundations. 20:07:00 Men & women digging w/ shovels in street, clearing up operations. Emergency supplies of food & water distributed. 20:07:28 Intertitle: Kennedy In Crash - Senator Recovering From Plane Accident. 20:07:33 Edward / Teddy Kennedy at desk before accident. Wreckage of private plane in woods near Southampton, Massachusetts. Police car & policeman guarding crash site. CU Sign: The Cooley Dickinson Hospital, Entrance. Exterior of hospital & parking. Robert F. Kennedy at hospital entrance w/ two other men, enters hospital. Ext. windows of room (?). LS Press conference w/ Bobby at microphone. Natural Disasters; Accidents; Unlucky; 1960s; Campaigning Injury; NOTE: If requested will provide 20:05:44 - 20:12:45 (3 cards) at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: