President Reagan On Economy Growth & Cuts in Defense
Ronald Reagan at White House announced and up to podium - makes statement re economy:”...inflation has been held under 4%...opportunity is our engine of progress so I’m asking Congress to work with me and not against me...”. Takes questions from Helen Thomas re Strategic Defense initiative ( SDI ). Says he is sorry it was ever called Star Wars. Mentions Great Depression. Talks of forthcoming summit meeting. Conference closed.
Cold War; 1980s;
President Reagan On Economy Growth & Cuts in Defense Ronald Reagan at White House announced and up to podium - makes statement re economy:”...inflation has been held under 4%...opportunity is our engine of progress so I’m asking Congress to work with me and not against me...”. Takes questions from Helen Thomas re Strategic Defense initiative ( SDI ). Says he is sorry it was ever called Star Wars. Mentions Great Depression. Talks of forthcoming summit meeting. Conference closed. Cold War; 1980s;