1948 - Marshall Plan; Truman Election; Berlin Blockade & Camel Caravan
Twin-engine plane arrive, General Clay greeting Hoffman & Harriman of Marshall Plan, drive off. (dark)
09:53:54 Paul Hoffman & Harriman off plane in Frankfurt, greeted. Int. meeting w/ Ludwig Erhard.
09:54:27 Title: USA: Trumahn Bleibt Prasident (Truman Elected President)
09:54:34 Montage: LS from New York City’s Empire State Building looking north; NYC City Hall; Ithaca NY street scene; CU sign: Election Booth. Interior people voting.
09:54:47 Truman at desk MCU.
09:54:55 Thomas Dewey & others MS & MCU. Dewey campaigning. Truman shots; walking w/ cane & shaking hands in Missouri. MS sitting w/ FDR. Flag at half staff; Truman sworn in, 1945. MCU speaking (MOS) before Congress. George Marshall; Truman signing Marshall Plan ; Goods unloaded from ship.
09:56:07 Animated map showing USSR expansion westward.
09:56:13 Capitol building; White House; MCU Truman at desk.
09:56:30 The End.
09:56:34 Opening title: Welt Im Film.
09:56:37 Title: Berliner Alltag. View out thru columns. Border w/ sign: You Are Leaving The American Sector (destruction beyond). Shot of heavy damaged buildings in Soviet Sector. Large damaged church. Planes landing.
09:57:12 Pan w/ man carrying large gunny sack / bag on railroad platform; other people waiting w/ bags & sacks on platform. Woman carrying large bags of wood / sticks.
09:57:43 Plane over large idle electricity generating plant; people standing listening to man at microphones; men applaud. Hoist decoration on electric plant. (East Germany?)
09:58:07 US AAF officer leading small camel, Clarence, thru crowd w/ kids & parents, giving kids rides. Poster of camel etc.
09:58:47 LS Tempelhof airport kids run to greet C-47 painted with Camel Caravan To Berlin on side. Kids looking at small camel in doorway.
Cold War; 1948 Elections; Berlin Blockade; Occupied Germany;
1948 - Marshall Plan; Truman Election; Berlin Blockade & Camel Caravan Twin-engine plane arrive, General Clay greeting Hoffman & Harriman of Marshall Plan, drive off. (dark) 09:53:54 Paul Hoffman & Harriman off plane in Frankfurt, greeted. Int. meeting w/ Ludwig Erhard. 09:54:27 Title: USA: Trumahn Bleibt Prasident (Truman Elected President) 09:54:34 Montage: LS from New York City’s Empire State Building looking north; NYC City Hall; Ithaca NY street scene; CU sign: Election Booth. Interior people voting. 09:54:47 Truman at desk MCU. 09:54:55 Thomas Dewey & others MS & MCU. Dewey campaigning. Truman shots; walking w/ cane & shaking hands in Missouri. MS sitting w/ FDR. Flag at half staff; Truman sworn in, 1945. MCU speaking (MOS) before Congress. George Marshall; Truman signing Marshall Plan ; Goods unloaded from ship. 09:56:07 Animated map showing USSR expansion westward. 09:56:13 Capitol building; White House; MCU Truman at desk. 09:56:30 The End. 09:56:34 Opening title: Welt Im Film. 09:56:37 Title: Berliner Alltag. View out thru columns. Border w/ sign: You Are Leaving The American Sector (destruction beyond). Shot of heavy damaged buildings in Soviet Sector. Large damaged church. Planes landing. 09:57:12 Pan w/ man carrying large gunny sack / bag on railroad platform; other people waiting w/ bags & sacks on platform. Woman carrying large bags of wood / sticks. 09:57:43 Plane over large idle electricity generating plant; people standing listening to man at microphones; men applaud. Hoist decoration on electric plant. (East Germany?) 09:58:07 US AAF officer leading small camel, Clarence, thru crowd w/ kids & parents, giving kids rides. Poster of camel etc. 09:58:47 LS Tempelhof airport kids run to greet C-47 painted with Camel Caravan To Berlin on side. Kids looking at small camel in doorway. Cold War; 1948 Elections; Berlin Blockade; Occupied Germany;