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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250072-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1952
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 22:13:48
TC Ends: 22:15:42
Duration: 00:01:54
1952 - President Truman, Speech: State of the Union, Truman Warns War Is Still A Threat, 09Jan52 22:13:53 Truman entering to applause, shakes hands & to microphones on podium. Views of balcony & guests, Congressmen. 22:14:21 Truman SOF: “At the present session of the United Nations in Paris, we, together with the British and the French, offered a plan to reduce and control all armaments under a foolproof inspection system. This is a concrete, practical proposal for disarmament. (jump to...) 22:14:41 “If the Soviet leaders were to accept this proposal, it would lighten the burden of armaments, and permit the resources of the earth to be devoted to the good of mankind. But until the Soviet Union accepts a sound disarmament proposal, and joins in peaceful settlements, we have no choice except to build up our defenses. (jump to...) 22:15:03 “The world still walks in the shadow of another world war. (jump to...) 22:15:09 “To meet the crisis which now hangs over the world, we need many different kinds of strength--military, economic, political, and moral. And of all these, I am convinced that moral strength is the most vital. When you come right down to it, it is the courage and the character of our Nation--and of each one of us as individuals-that will really decide how well we meet this challenge. (speech continues) 22:15:37 Applause. Cold War; Threats; Peace; Korean War;