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President Truman Greets Shah of Iran, 1949

Reel Number: 221019-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1949

Country: USA

Location: DC,National Airport,Washington

TC Begins: 14:00:09

TC Ends: 14:05:55

Duration: 00:05:46

President Truman Greets Shah of Iran, 1949 Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi of Iran greeted by President Truman at National Airport - State Visit 16-20Nov49. Truman reads speech, still photographers in FG. Shah speaks in English off the cuff. 14:02:21 MCU men shake hands. “I bring you a message of warm regard and goodwill...to work with the United States for peace in Middle East”. VS Shah arrives on Presidential plane. US colour guard. Shah and Truman into open limo.

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