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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221460-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1949
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 06:14:43
TC Ends: 06:16:00
Duration: 00:01:17
The Telenews Daily - Washington Headlines (Protesting Dismissal of Adm Denfield, Oct49) 06:15:06 Man at desk SOF “The dismissal of Admiral Denfield by President Truman yesterday came as a distinct shock; not only to me but likewise I am sure came as a shock to all the American people. I propose to fight this change w/ all the resources at my command. This attempt to close the mouths & stultify the minds pf these distinguished Americans in our Armed Services who are concerned over national defense planning. I sincerely hope that all Americans who cherish the right of expressing themselves freely on public matters will rise together in protest against this high-handed dictatorial arbitrary attitude that far more smacks of the Kremlin than of the Capitol of the United States.” Note: Adm. Denfield was removed, Oct49, after testifying against the emphasis of B-36 program over the Navy aircraft program which Defense Sec. Louis Johnson had cancelled but which was later re-instated. October 1949; Protesting;