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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221417-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1951
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 08:08:25
TC Ends: 08:13:08
Duration: 00:04:43
Truman & Marshall Send Harriman to Iran, ca July51 Man at microphone in dark glasses (Secret Service?) 08:08:44 Unid. man at mic (MOS). Truman to mics, waits for Marshall, Acheson & Harriman. Shakes Acheson’s hands & thanks him for undertaking this trip to Iran “’s a very important job...and one which I think you can handle w/ satisfaction & success...I hope you’ll express to the Iranian government, our interest is the interest of world peace; the welfare of Iran & the rest of the world. We have no selfish interest in the matter whatever.” 08:10:15 Acheson: “Mr. Harriman, you carry the good wishes of all of us w/ you & I know this mission could not be in better hands...” 08:10:27 Marshall: “I wish you a safe trip & I look for success in carrying out your objective. I’ve seen you in many parts of the world & on very difficult occasions & I have complete confidence in your ability in this particular issue.” 08:11:28 Harriman responds. “...there is great mutuality of interest between & among the needs of the people of Iran, the British & the many parts of the world - the people of Europe & the people in the Far East who have been dependent on the oil that has been coming from Iran; that under these circumstances if we can create a spirit of goodwill, a way can be found to work out the difficulties which are now causing so much trouble....” 08:12:15 Handshake w/ Truman and posing; repeated. Still photographers in; more posing. Diplomacy; Petroleum; Oil Crisis; Mediation; Mediator; Diplomats; Oil Negotiations; Diplomatic Efforts;