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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221460-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1949
Country: USA
Location: DC,New York,Washington
TC Begins: 06:08:31
TC Ends: 06:09:38
Duration: 00:01:07
Title: U.N. News (Truman w/ ?? at W.H.; Carlos Romula at United Nations) 06:08:35 Woman w/ President Truman on porch of White House, pins something on him. Truman speaking to large group in Rose Garden (MOS). Poses w/ them for photographers. Swish pan... 06:09:10 Carlos Pena Romulo, President of 4th Session of United Nations, 1949 looking at flags of member nations of United Nations. Walks to desk, sits down. Reading The Manila Times newspaper; headline CPR Blasts US Reparations Stand. CU of Romulo. ca September 1949;