Title: Washington Headlines (First US Woman Ambassador)
06:49:28 MCU Helen Eugenie Moore Anderson seated in chair by table light & microphone. SOF: “I’m happy to be here in Washington for a few days visit, & a little briefing at the State Department, before we start off for Denmark. My children & my husband are going w/ me you know, so that means we have quite a bit to do planning & packing & all kinds of preparations before we are really ready to leave.|
06:49:53 CU “I think that my appointment as the first woman ambassador is a recognition by President Truman of the role that women are playing in public life today. I think that this appointment is an honor, not only to me as a woman, but to all women in the United States. And I think that this is recognized not only by the President but by people all over the country. I have been pleased to hear from people in many parts of the United States who seemed to be pleased that the work that women are doing is being recognized in ways like this.”
Diplomacy; Firsts;
NOTE: Appointed 20Oct49. She served 1949-1953 in Denmark; 1962-1964 in Bulgaria.
Title: Washington Headlines (First US Woman Ambassador) 06:49:28 MCU Helen Eugenie Moore Anderson seated in chair by table light & microphone. SOF: “I’m happy to be here in Washington for a few days visit, & a little briefing at the State Department, before we start off for Denmark. My children & my husband are going w/ me you know, so that means we have quite a bit to do planning & packing & all kinds of preparations before we are really ready to leave.| 06:49:53 CU “I think that my appointment as the first woman ambassador is a recognition by President Truman of the role that women are playing in public life today. I think that this appointment is an honor, not only to me as a woman, but to all women in the United States. And I think that this is recognized not only by the President but by people all over the country. I have been pleased to hear from people in many parts of the United States who seemed to be pleased that the work that women are doing is being recognized in ways like this.” Diplomacy; Firsts; NOTE: Appointed 20Oct49. She served 1949-1953 in Denmark; 1962-1964 in Bulgaria.