Title: Army - Navy: Middies Win 62nd Classic
High angle of Navy cadets marching onto football field. Crowd cheering. Army cadets marching onto field. Crowd cheering. President Kennedy throws coin & Army wins toss. Cheering cadets
12:08:49 MCU of JFK w/ Army VIP.
12:08:53 Play w/ kicking of 32 yard field goal & cheering Navy cadets.
12:09:04 President crossing field at half-time. MCU sitting w/ Navy officer.
12:09:17 CU of play w/ long pass & long run by Army to 13 yard line. Followed by 9 yard run to four yard line & Army touchdown play for 7 to 3 lead.
12:09:50 Navy pass play run to 13 yard line, followed by touchdown run. Cheering navy cadets.
12:10:22 Navy play run to 26 yard line. Field goal for Navy 13, Army 7.
Military Academy Sports; Amateur; College; Traditions; 1961; 1960s;
Title: Army - Navy: Middies Win 62nd Classic High angle of Navy cadets marching onto football field. Crowd cheering. Army cadets marching onto field. Crowd cheering. President Kennedy throws coin & Army wins toss. Cheering cadets 12:08:49 MCU of JFK w/ Army VIP. 12:08:53 Play w/ kicking of 32 yard field goal & cheering Navy cadets. 12:09:04 President crossing field at half-time. MCU sitting w/ Navy officer. 12:09:17 CU of play w/ long pass & long run by Army to 13 yard line. Followed by 9 yard run to four yard line & Army touchdown play for 7 to 3 lead. 12:09:50 Navy pass play run to 13 yard line, followed by touchdown run. Cheering navy cadets. 12:10:22 Navy play run to 26 yard line. Field goal for Navy 13, Army 7. Military Academy Sports; Amateur; College; Traditions; 1961; 1960s;