Marilyn Monroe Shows, K-2 & K-16, Korea Pt 1
10-19Feb54 MS Marilyn Monroe in front of helicopter wearing military-style bomber jacket over dress - troops taking photos. Monroe walks w/ three MPs through the area; Monroe w/ Gen. McGarr. CU Monroe receives mail from an MP. GIs queue near ‘Welcome Marilyn Monroe’ sign. VS Monroe posing for GIs w/ cameras - jacket off showing tight dress. VS group of spectators watching show; musicians on stage under ‘Bulldozer Bowl’ sign NB picture jumps due to lost loop.
13:07:00 Excellent HA pan across huge crowd of servicemen to stage - large cross in BG - smoke hanging in air. LS stage seen from back of crowd. GIs holding banner ‘Greetings from the 82nd Ack Ack’. LS Bulldozer Bowl; audience shots. MCU Gen McGarr & party view the show.
13:08:04 MLS Monroe onto stage - VS performing for troops. CU Marilyn signs autograph. CU Marilyn talks w/ GI photographers. Monroe on jeep through crowd - blows kiss at camera. Sign ‘2nd US INF DIV.’ LS helicopter coming in for landing; Monroe exits helicopter, is greeted by officers and men & into car.
13:10:06 Night scenes: low-angle shots of Monroe performing on the stage w/ male quartet - it appears to be cold slightly underexposed. Day scenes: Monroe w/ MP escort as she walks through GIs - snow on ground. Welcome sign outside hut.
13:11:30 CU Marilyn climbing into jeep - stands up and poses for the GIs, back to camera - jeep moves out. Side shots male singers performing for the GIs w/ band.
13:13:31 Side shots Monroe performing before mic - sings and dances - trademark ‘wiggle’. Good.
Hollywood Stars. USO.
Marilyn Monroe Shows, K-2 & K-16, Korea Pt 1 10-19Feb54 MS Marilyn Monroe in front of helicopter wearing military-style bomber jacket over dress - troops taking photos. Monroe walks w/ three MPs through the area; Monroe w/ Gen. McGarr. CU Monroe receives mail from an MP. GIs queue near ‘Welcome Marilyn Monroe’ sign. VS Monroe posing for GIs w/ cameras - jacket off showing tight dress. VS group of spectators watching show; musicians on stage under ‘Bulldozer Bowl’ sign NB picture jumps due to lost loop. 13:07:00 Excellent HA pan across huge crowd of servicemen to stage - large cross in BG - smoke hanging in air. LS stage seen from back of crowd. GIs holding banner ‘Greetings from the 82nd Ack Ack’. LS Bulldozer Bowl; audience shots. MCU Gen McGarr & party view the show. 13:08:04 MLS Monroe onto stage - VS performing for troops. CU Marilyn signs autograph. CU Marilyn talks w/ GI photographers. Monroe on jeep through crowd - blows kiss at camera. Sign ‘2nd US INF DIV.’ LS helicopter coming in for landing; Monroe exits helicopter, is greeted by officers and men & into car. 13:10:06 Night scenes: low-angle shots of Monroe performing on the stage w/ male quartet - it appears to be cold slightly underexposed. Day scenes: Monroe w/ MP escort as she walks through GIs - snow on ground. Welcome sign outside hut. 13:11:30 CU Marilyn climbing into jeep - stands up and poses for the GIs, back to camera - jeep moves out. Side shots male singers performing for the GIs w/ band. 13:13:31 Side shots Monroe performing before mic - sings and dances - trademark ‘wiggle’. Good. Hollywood Stars. USO.