USIA Television TV Satellite File No. 5000 (sic): USA/USSR Relations, Pt. 4 (partial) of 4
Moscow w/ small navy boat on river, traffic of trucks & buses in background & pulling back showing corner of Kremlin & Red Square buildings behind. Narrator describing Perestroika.
00:13:18 Peter Reddaway in George Washington University office being interviewed, makes statement of need for improving performance of Soviet economy. Pedestrians on crowded sidewalk.
00:13:46 Marshall Goldman on Glastnost & speaking out on economy & other issues. Soviets looking at goods in shop windows, standing passively in line, walking on sidewalk.
00:14:37 Reddaway saying Gorbachev is right to make Soviet society more open so as to encourage motivation & reform of the economic system.
00:15:06 Reagan & Gorbachev after signing of Intermediate Weapons Treaty.
00:15:22 Goldman saying that Gorbachev must divert resources from military to civilian sector of economy.
00:15:37 Gorbachev waving to Soviet crowds in Red Square. With others on balcony. Pedestrians.
00:16:02 Lech Walesa w/ microphone speaking at Solidarity Labor Union rally. People running from police.
00:16:13 Worldnet broadcast w/ Dimitri Simes (founding President of Nixon Center) saying Soviets did NOT have a master plan when Perestroika was begun.
00:16:41 Rally of young people in Red Square releasing balloons & w/ red flags. Good banner w/ Marx, Lenin & Engels.
00:16:58 President Reagan speaking to World Affairs Council dinner calling on USSR to comply w/ Helsinki Accords: “Regional conflicts & human rights are closely intertwined; they are issues of moral conscience, they are issues of international security. Because when a government abuses the rights of its own people, it is a grim indication of its willingness to commit violence against others.” “Two of the most basic rights we have called on the Soviets to comply with...are the right to emigrate & the right to travel...”
00:17:47 Kremlin zoomed in on from river side. Pedestrians on crowded street. Shultz arriving up stairs & greeted by ?? Makes statement & seated at semi-circle table w/ NATO allies.
00:18:26 Marvin Fitzwater at press briefing. Reporters w/ Helen Thomas & others.
00:18:33 CU sign: State Department & pull back.
00:18:46 Demonstration in Soviet Union w/ speaker at mic. Large demonstration in Washington DC by Jewish groups w/ banner Glasnost for Soviet Jews. Includes Natan Sharansky & wife marching w/ others. SIgn: Mr. Gorbachev: Let Our People Go. Speakers on podium on Washington mall. Reddaway in office on USSR releasing dissidents held in psychiatric wards. Continued...
Cold War; Diplomacy; Propaganda;
USIA Television TV Satellite File No. 5000 (sic): USA/USSR Relations, Pt. 4 (partial) of 4 Moscow w/ small navy boat on river, traffic of trucks & buses in background & pulling back showing corner of Kremlin & Red Square buildings behind. Narrator describing Perestroika. 00:13:18 Peter Reddaway in George Washington University office being interviewed, makes statement of need for improving performance of Soviet economy. Pedestrians on crowded sidewalk. 00:13:46 Marshall Goldman on Glastnost & speaking out on economy & other issues. Soviets looking at goods in shop windows, standing passively in line, walking on sidewalk. 00:14:37 Reddaway saying Gorbachev is right to make Soviet society more open so as to encourage motivation & reform of the economic system. 00:15:06 Reagan & Gorbachev after signing of Intermediate Weapons Treaty. 00:15:22 Goldman saying that Gorbachev must divert resources from military to civilian sector of economy. 00:15:37 Gorbachev waving to Soviet crowds in Red Square. With others on balcony. Pedestrians. 00:16:02 Lech Walesa w/ microphone speaking at Solidarity Labor Union rally. People running from police. 00:16:13 Worldnet broadcast w/ Dimitri Simes (founding President of Nixon Center) saying Soviets did NOT have a master plan when Perestroika was begun. 00:16:41 Rally of young people in Red Square releasing balloons & w/ red flags. Good banner w/ Marx, Lenin & Engels. 00:16:58 President Reagan speaking to World Affairs Council dinner calling on USSR to comply w/ Helsinki Accords: “Regional conflicts & human rights are closely intertwined; they are issues of moral conscience, they are issues of international security. Because when a government abuses the rights of its own people, it is a grim indication of its willingness to commit violence against others.” “Two of the most basic rights we have called on the Soviets to comply with...are the right to emigrate & the right to travel...” 00:17:47 Kremlin zoomed in on from river side. Pedestrians on crowded street. Shultz arriving up stairs & greeted by ?? Makes statement & seated at semi-circle table w/ NATO allies. 00:18:26 Marvin Fitzwater at press briefing. Reporters w/ Helen Thomas & others. 00:18:33 CU sign: State Department & pull back. 00:18:46 Demonstration in Soviet Union w/ speaker at mic. Large demonstration in Washington DC by Jewish groups w/ banner Glasnost for Soviet Jews. Includes Natan Sharansky & wife marching w/ others. SIgn: Mr. Gorbachev: Let Our People Go. Speakers on podium on Washington mall. Reddaway in office on USSR releasing dissidents held in psychiatric wards. Continued... Cold War; Diplomacy; Propaganda;